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Chart of the week: The climate cost
Chart of the week: The climate cost
Two years ago, Scott Morrison walked into the Australian parliament brandishing a lump of coal. “Don’t be afraid. Don't be scared. It won’t hurt you. It’s coal,” Morrison said,…
Book review: China, the US, and the big break
Book review: China, the US, and the big break
Book review: Paul Blustein: Schism: China, America, and the Fracturing of the Global Trading System (CIGI Press, 2019) Paul Blustein has produced an enviable bookshelf of…
Globalisation’s next wave: Podcast out now
Globalisation’s next wave: Podcast out now
The mass commercialisation of artificial intelligence, machine learning technologies and automation, combined with outsourcing to lower income countries is about to cause massive…
Book Review: The original corporate raiders
Book Review: The original corporate raiders
Review: William Dalrymple, The Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire (Bloomsbury, 2019) In his new book, The Anarchy, renowned…
Chart of the week: Australia’s “fear and greed” with China
Chart of the week: Australia’s “fear and greed” with China
When then–Prime Minister Tony Abbott was asked by Angela Merkel about Australia’s relations with China, he summed it up, perhaps tongue-in-cheek, in two words: “Fear and greed”…
Russia’s southern strategy
Russia’s southern strategy
“Valiant breaks London–Cape record by 54 mins”, led the 9 July 1959 edition of the Cape Argus. The arrival of the sleek, white-painted, and still highly classified long-range…
Signs of a deal between US and China, and a rethink
Signs of a deal between US and China, and a rethink
It is not yet agreed, may yet fail, and is anyway unlikely to settle matters, but the impending “phase one” trade deal could be a useful ceasefire in the US economic war with…
Review: Australia, real and imagined
Review: Australia, real and imagined
Review: Tim Watts, The Golden Country: Australia’s Changing Identity (Text Publishing 2019) Summer reading bins have been well stocked with memoirs by retired Australian…
Chart of the week: Trump and the US-Australia alliance
Chart of the week: Trump and the US-Australia alliance
Donald Trump is about to be the third US President in history to be impeached. Australians won’t be surprised – he’s never been popular here. But Australia’s alliance with the…
October in Syria: Podcast out now
October in Syria: Podcast out now
October 2019 saw two major new developments in Syria which have shifted the geopolitics of the region: US President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw US forces from north-east…