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G20 2014: The G20 Brisbane Summit, inequality, energy and anti-corruption
G20 2014: The G20 Brisbane Summit, inequality, energy and anti-corruption
The 12th edition of the G20 monitor contains an overview from John Lipsky on the G20’s role in global governance after the global financial crisis; a paper by Geoff Weir on the…
A note to Email Digest subscribers
There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip. And so it is for IT upgrades, when despite things working fine in testing, they don't work so well in practice. On Tuesday I…
New format for The Interpreter's email digest
About 3000 Interpreter readers receive either a daily or weekly email from us with links to our latest posts. Until yesterday we used Feedblitz for this service, but from today…
MH17: Could a re-energised Europe rescue the Obama Doctrine?
It is always morbid to talk of what ground nations might gain from disasters such as the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, but international politics has never been a…
Alliances in Asia: South Korea unlikely to be lost
'Washington, you're on your own' is the gist of a recent piece by Stephen Walt, who assesses that Europe would have no dog in an Asian fight and will therefore distance itself…
Jokowi’s honest politics will make him vulnerable
Jokowi’s honest politics will make him vulnerable
Jokowi’s honest politics will make him vulnerableAaron ConnellyThe Australian14 July 2014Please click here for full online text.Aaron L Connelly
Abe's Canberra speech: Dispelling doubts
Prime Minister Abe's carefully crafted speech to the Australian parliament gave credence to Prime Minister Abbott's much tut-tutted claim that Japan is Australia's best friend in…
Middle powers in Asia: The limits of realism
In the world of international relations theory, the realist paradigm reigns supreme. In large part, this is because it has core features that exert strong appeal beyond the…
Japan-ROK relations: History debate a dangerous indulgence
The Korea-Japan dispute over history is back yet again, with the Japanese Government this week releasing a 'review' of the drafting of the 'Kono Statement.' That statement is the…
The US and the international power structure: Reviewing 'Still Ours to Lead'
The rapidly escalating situation in Iraq is a major test for US foreign policy. President Obama, who outlined in his West Point address a policy of selective US engagement and…