Uncategorised and other

Monday links: Kevin Rudd at Harvard, Oscars, Tesla, economic myths and more
Geoff Dyer in the FT: The 'unwritten understanding between Beijing and Washington on America’s role in Asia is crumbling. China now wishes to recast the military and ­political…
Interview: Danny Russel on the status of the US rebalance
Daniel (Danny) Russel is US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, which means he is the State Department's senior Asia diplomat (he succeeded Kurt…
Thursday links: Iran's nukes, Downton Abbey, Africa's population, India in space and more
How Iranian academic nuclear research may have flowed into military applications. Larry Summers on America's turn towards a 'Downton Abbey economy'. CFR's multimedia guide…
Defence & strategy links: Taranis, anti-access, Europe's jets, AirSea Battle and more
 In the Arctic, resurgent strategic competition highlights the aspirations and shortcomings of Moscow's attempts to rejuvenate its military power. TX Hammes explores the…
Monday links: Afghanistan's war dead, Denmark, Finland, climate and more
A counter to the 'hyperbolic' NY Times story about Australian spying on US law firms in Indonesia. President Obama draws a clear connection between California's troubles and…
Friday links: PLA Navy, child soldiers, al Qaeda, nuclear fusion and more
Photos of the recent PLA Navy exercise staged in the Indian Ocean between Australia and Indonesia. I think Lateline used a few of these in its story last night, which featured…
2014 Australia-India Roundtable: Outcomes Statement
2014 Australia-India Roundtable: Outcomes Statement
Relations between India and Australia have reached a new maturity, based on deepening connections between their societies, economies, education sectors and policy establishments…
Interpreter comment threads now open
Minutes ago I published what I expect will be our last Reader Riposte on The Interpreter. From now on, readers wishing to comment on Interpreter posts can do so via the comments…
Thursday links: G20, Snowden book, Dick Cheney, Shanghai, Myanmar census and more
Richard McGregor reviews a new book on the Snowden leaks: 'Snowden and this book illustrate more than just the reach of the Anglosphere’s national security state. The true story…
Global cooperation among G20 countries: responding to the crisis and restoring growth
Global cooperation among G20 countries: responding to the crisis and restoring growth
At the outbreak of the global financial crisis, 2008, the G20 was widely acknowledged as helping prevent an even more serious decline in the global economy. It helped to calm the…