
Why Taiwan should embrace multiculturalism
Why Taiwan should embrace multiculturalism
While defending itself from China is clearly Taiwan’s most pressing concern, increasingly it has also been seeking to differentiate itself from its neighbour. Its democratisation…
Economic diplomacy: Looking beyond a 30-year anomaly
Economic diplomacy: Looking beyond a 30-year anomaly
Joining the dotsTim Ayres is a little-known junior minister in the Albanese government. But Ayres nevertheless plays a symbolically significant role in bridging the traditional…
Child marriage in Southeast Asia: When a harmful practice becomes an international crime
Child marriage in Southeast Asia: When a harmful practice becomes an international crime
Child marriage is a global problem that cuts across countries, cultures, and religions – and the ASEAN region is no exception. Child marriage is considered a form of forced…
Could BIMSTEC be the answer to the Myanmar question?
Could BIMSTEC be the answer to the Myanmar question?
“BIMSTEC” is one of the many technical and not-quite-pronounceable acronyms that pepper conversation about diplomatic affairs. It stands for the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi…
Don’t expect Trump 2.0 to be so tough on China
Don’t expect Trump 2.0 to be so tough on China
No one should have been surprised by Donald Trump’s latest expression of reluctance to defend Taiwan. But many were, including those with skin in the game. Shares in Taiwan…
Digitising the social safety net: Lessons from Indonesia
Digitising the social safety net: Lessons from Indonesia
Leapfrogging past the analogue delivery of social assistance is possible. Policy focus and careful design are the keys to success.
ASEAN centrality stands in the way of an Indonesia-Australia alliance
ASEAN centrality stands in the way of an Indonesia-Australia alliance
Sam Roggeveen has made the case in The Interpreter for Australia to seek out a defensive military pact with Indonesia to prevent Chinese domination of maritime Southeast Asia…
Japan, South Korea and United States: Let’s hope for a robust, lasting pact
Japan, South Korea and United States: Let’s hope for a robust, lasting pact
In a TV interview last month, South Korean Defence Minister Shin Wonsik said he will work quickly with his Japanese and US counterparts to formalise their Trilateral Security…
A weaker Europe on China – at the worst time
A weaker Europe on China – at the worst time
Murmurs of trade war are getting louder. Not just between China and the United States should Donald Trump be re-elected, but also between China and Europe. Now more than ever it’s…
Does democracy still matter in the ‘New Cold War’ between the US and China?
Does democracy still matter in the ‘New Cold War’ between the US and China?
Robin Niblett, a former director of British think tank Chatham House, has published a new book that has received high praise from notables such as Hillary Clinton, Kevin Rudd and…