
Why is Imran Khan running for chancellor of University of Oxford?
Why is Imran Khan running for chancellor of University of Oxford?
In a surprise move, Pakistan’s former prime minister Imran Khan, who is currently languishing in jail, has applied to be in the running as the next chancellor of Britain’s…
A glimpse into Indonesia's nickel policy
A glimpse into Indonesia's nickel policy
Since 2020, Indonesia has tried to transform itself from an exporter of nickel into a key player in the global nickel value chain by banning exports of the raw material in an…
Economic diplomacy: Playing defence with Prabowo
Economic diplomacy: Playing defence with Prabowo
Looking backUnsurprisingly, there was much harking back to the glory days of 1945 when Australia marked 75 years of diplomatic relations with Indonesia this week with a new…
Southeast Asia’s great haze: Laggards and leaders
Southeast Asia’s great haze: Laggards and leaders
Transboundary haze pollution remains a key environmental challenge for Southeast Asia. Only last year, after a drop in forest and peatland fires due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the…
Australia takes a big first step to engage civil society in foreign policy
Australia takes a big first step to engage civil society in foreign policy
Australia has this week announced a $35 million investment over four years in a Civil Society Partnerships Fund, a key commitment under the International Development…
Indonesia needs a strong opposition that can inspire hope, and look cool while doing it
Indonesia needs a strong opposition that can inspire hope, and look cool while doing it
In recent years, Southeast Asia has faced significant challenges in its democratic processes. Thailand’s 2014 military coup and the recent court-ruling ordering the dissolution of…
Looking back at Jokowi’s decade of resource nationalism
Looking back at Jokowi’s decade of resource nationalism
In Joko Widodo’s final state of the nation address last week, he reflected on his major achievements of the past decade as Indonesia’s president. Resource nationalism featured…
Australia–ASEAN maritime cooperation: A focus on the whole risks losing sight of the parts
Australia–ASEAN maritime cooperation: A focus on the whole risks losing sight of the parts
Australia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations share aspirations for the future of the region, evident at the March special summit in Melbourne with agreement on a …
Central Asia's energy drive spurs regional integration
Central Asia's energy drive spurs regional integration
For decades, Russia, China, and the West have been vying for influence in Central Asia. But in spite of their ambitions to bolster their presence in this strategically important…
The race to be Japan’s next prime minister: The chances for a first woman in the top job
The race to be Japan’s next prime minister: The chances for a first woman in the top job
With Fumio Kishida last week announcing that he will not re-contest for a second term as leader of the incumbent Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), his tenure as Japan’s prime…