
Southeast Asia Aid Map 2024 - Key Findings Report
Southeast Asia Aid Map 2024 - Key Findings Report
The Southeast Asia Aid Map — launched by the Lowy Institute in 2023 — is a comprehensive database tracking official development finance (ODF) flows in Southeast Asia.This 2024 Key…
Southeast Asia Aid Map 2024
Southeast Asia Aid Map 2024
The second edition of the Southeast Asia Aid Map, encompassing the period from 2015 to 2022, includes comprehensive data on more than 120,000 projects carried out by 107…
Bhutan: Dispatch from the Hermit’s happy hills
Bhutan: Dispatch from the Hermit’s happy hills
“What is pertinent in the calmness of that beauty, its sense of restraint,” says Kazuo Ishiguro in The Remains of the Day. “It is as though the land knows of its own beauty, its…
Who is Chinese Premier, Li Qiang?
Who is Chinese Premier, Li Qiang?
Who is Chinese Premier, Li Qiang?That’s the question the Australian government from Anthony Albanese down will be trying to answer during Li’s four-day visit to Australia, the…
Deterring China’s military violence against Australians
Deterring China’s military violence against Australians
Repeating an aggressive action four times shows intent. In February 2022, a Chinese warship directed a dangerous laser at an Australian Defence Force aircraft. In June 2022, a…
India’s election is done. What about running in the next one?
India’s election is done. What about running in the next one?
India’s 2024 parliamentary election have reaffirmed the strength and vibrancy of the country’s democratic process, showcasing the electorate’s power to shape their government. The…
Rare earths vs rarer resources: Global ripples from Australia’s divestment decision
Rare earths vs rarer resources: Global ripples from Australia’s divestment decision
The Australian government has issued a directive for five foreign companies with links to China to divest their stakes in Northern Minerals Limited within two months. The mining…
Myanmar’s war within a war: Informers and the trust deficit
Myanmar’s war within a war: Informers and the trust deficit
We hear a lot these days about the “trust deficit” and “the loss of social capital”. Thanks to a succession of royal commissions, parliamentary inquiries, media investigations and…
Unpacking China’s propaganda narratives against the Philippines
Unpacking China’s propaganda narratives against the Philippines
The Second Thomas Shoal, within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone, is the most dangerous flashpoint in the South China Sea.China has ratcheted up pressure at sea to the…
Modi 3.0: What India's election means for Australia and the world
Modi 3.0: What India's election means for Australia and the world
This year is monumental for democratic elections around the world. But India’s election is what middle and global powers have been fixated on. The largest ever democratic exercise…