Asia Pacific Security

China's determination to be a great power
John Garnaut, writing for Fairfax yesterday, says I'm wrong to argue that Prime Minister Abbott and Foreign Minister Bishop do not understand the nature of China's challenge to…
Alliances in Asia: South Korea unlikely to be lost
'Washington, you're on your own' is the gist of a recent piece by Stephen Walt, who assesses that Europe would have no dog in an Asian fight and will therefore distance itself…
Does Abbott understand the China challenge?
Sam Roggeveen says that Mr Abe's visit last week, and Julie Bishop's interview with John Garnaut, show that the Abbott Government now accepts there is a serious strategic…
Malcolm Fraser talks 'Dangerous Allies'
Earlier this week the Lowy Institute hosted former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser to discuss his new book Dangerous Allies. Below is the full video of the event. …
Abe's Canberra speech: Dispelling doubts
Prime Minister Abe's carefully crafted speech to the Australian parliament gave credence to Prime Minister Abbott's much tut-tutted claim that Japan is Australia's best friend in…
Middle powers in Asia: The limits of realism
In the world of international relations theory, the realist paradigm reigns supreme. In large part, this is because it has core features that exert strong appeal beyond the…
1914-2014: the EU has more to share with the Asia-Pacific than history lessons
1914-2014: the EU has more to share with the Asia-Pacific than history lessons
1914-2014: the EU has more to share with the Asia-Pacific than history lessonsRory Medcalf and May-Britt StumbaumEuropean Geostrategy8 July 2014Please click here for the full…
India's nuclear doctrine: The fog lifts
Lieutenant-General BS Nagal was an important man in India's nuclear weapons program. From 2008 to 2010 he served as India's Strategic Forces Commander, an office established just…
Japanese collective self-defence: Abe's changes won't help
Clearly Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has deep personal and political motives for wanting to change Japan's strategic posture, 'escape from the postwar regime' and make…
Indo-Pacific security links: Collective self-defence, South China Sea, Vietnam protests and more
The Indo-Pacific is a strategic system encompassing the Indian and Pacific oceans, reflecting the expanding interests and reach of China and India as well as the enduring role of…