Asia Pacific Security

Asia Pacific security: Is the F-35B relevant?
With Prime Minister Tony Abbott implying recently that Australia could buy the F-35B 'jump jet' version of the Joint Strike Fighter (a suggestion reinforced this week by Defence…
India's Narendra Modi is good news for Australia
India's Narendra Modi is good news for Australia
India's Narendra Modi is good news for AustraliaRory Medcalf, Danielle RajendramThe Age20 May 2014Please click here for the full online text.Rory Medcalf , Danielle Rajendram
Bases, places and boots on the ground: A review of 'Rebalancing US Forces'
The prologue of Rebalancing US Forces, a new book edited by US Naval War College professors Carnes Lord and Andrew Erickson, opens with Barack Obama's speech in to the Australian…
South China Sea: ASEAN Summit falls short again
History neither repeated nor reversed itself at the ASEAN Summit last weekend when it came to the South China Sea disputes. Three preliminary judgments can be made with an eye for…
From the comments section: Chinese actions in the South China Sea
Featuring the best comments by Interpreter readers, as selected by the editors. A couple of excellent reader responses to Sam Roggeveen's post on Chinese actions in the South…
Family reunions belie future of the Korean peninsula
Family reunions belie future of the Korean peninsula
Family reunions belie future of the Korean peninsulaAndrew KwonEast Asia Forum5 April 2014The online text of this article is available here.Andrew Kwon
The China-Vietnam standoff: Three key factors
So, another maritime incident between China and one of its neighbours. There are reports from officials in Hanoi that Chinese and Vietnamese vessels collided on at least two…
Indo-Pacific security links: Russian patrols, joint exercises, North Korea, the Spratlys and more
The Indo-Pacific is a strategic system encompassing the Indian and Pacific oceans, reflecting the expanding interests and reach of China and India as well as the enduring role of…
Interview: Malcolm Fraser on 'Dangerous Allies'
Yesterday I had a long and fascinating talk with former Australian prime minister Malcolm Fraser, who has just released Dangerous Allies, his new book calling for a substantially…
Indo-Pacific security links: China-India naval exercises, the pivot, Chna's military and more
The Indo-Pacific is a strategic system encompassing the Indian and Pacific oceans, reflecting the expanding interests and reach of China and India as well as the enduring role of…