Asia and Pacific

Political stability first, strategic stability second
The central purpose of deploying strategic nuclear weapons on SSBNs, rather than on other less expensive and technologically demanding platforms, is to assure the survival of…
Opposition maneuvers represent big challenges for Jokowi
Opposition maneuvers represent big challenges for Jokowi
Opposition maneuvers represent big challenges for JokowiAdelle NearyCogitASIA3 October 2014Please click here for the online text.Adelle Neary
Modi in the US: A truly strategic partnership?
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's much anticipated and greatly feted visit to Washington has divided opinion. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, New York, 26 September 2014…
Strategic stability and SSBNs: Arms control may be the answer
From a strategic perspective, the bottom line attraction for states seeking to acquire nuclear ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) is survivability. States possessing SSBNs…
Australia needs a role in Asia's emerging economy boom
With other international institutions reiterating their forecasts of declining growth in the emerging economies, the latest Asian Development Bank Outlook Update has a more…
Cyberwar and war in space: Making SSBNs more dangerous
As several participants in our debate have argued, nuclear ballistic missile submarines (SSBN) can have a positive effect on strategic stability in Asia and globally. But they do…
Chinese submarine's Sri Lanka visit prompts rescue questions
Chinese submarine support ship in Colombo Port, Sri Lanka. (PLA photo.) The visit of the Chinese Type 039 'Song' class submarine to Colombo, Sri Lanka, earlier this month passed…
Asia's "Cold Peace": China and India's Delicate Diplomatic Dance
Asia's "Cold Peace": China and India's Delicate Diplomatic Dance
Asia's "Cold Peace": China and India's Delicate Diplomatic DanceRory MedcalfThe National Interest24 September 2014Please click here for the online text. …
New Caledonia: Australia's benevolent disregard
Imagine that the most senior leader of one of Australia's neighbours resigns suddenly during a visit by a minister. And that this follows an election where the winners cannot…
Is China a realist power?
Eurasia's arc of instability is ablaze. Robert Kagan rails against America's impotence. A cartoon depicts Uncle Sam as a hapless fireman, impotent in eastern Europe and the Middle…