Asia and Pacific

Xi Jinping in India: Economic focus suits both sides
Prepare yourself for a glut of feeble anthropomorphic metaphors (elephants, pandas, tigers, and dragons are all anticipated) and bloviating communiqués: India-China diplomacy is…
China Australia relationship needs to broaden from trade
China Australia relationship needs to broaden from trade
China-Australia relationship needs to broaden from tradeJames BrownThe Saturday Paper30 August 2014Please click here for the online text.James Brown
India-Japan embrace is all about China, but not for the reasons strategists say
India and Japan lie at the extremes of oriental Asia, and to a casual visitor the two countries feel about as different as could be. Yet they share powerful bonds on many levels…
Southeast Asia links: South China Sea, gender and ageing, global competitiveness and more
What will Prayuth do as Thai Prime Minister? Joshua Kulantzick explains. Zhai Kun of CICIR asks: who makes the rules on the Chessboard of the South China Sea? Malaysia Airlines…
Japan's continuing confidence in the alliance
The views expressed here are the author's own, and do not necessarily represent those of National Institute for Defense Studies or the Japanese Ministry of Defense. I am inspired…
Is Hillary Clinton really a foreign policy hawk?
We are in strange times indeed when a presumptive US Republican presidential candidate can hope to score political points by accusing his likely Democratic rival of being a war…
Should the US retrench from South Korea? Part 2: No
A couple of days ago I laid out the arguments for a US withdrawal from South Korea. Today, I lay out the arguments for staying. This topic is rarely discussed. In the US, the…
China-Japan competition: Hugh White responds
The four excellent responses to my post on China-Japan relations all present important points about Japan's situation and its options in the face of China's growing power. Just…
Why is violence spiking in China's northwest?
Clive Palmer says the Chinese government shoots its own people. If he's talking about Xinjiang, he's right.  Last month saw the deadliest violence in years in the autonomous…
Should the US retrench from South Korea? Yes
Over at War on the Rocks, Christopher Lee (a former officer in the US Forces Korea [USFK]) and Tom Nichols (of the US Naval War College) have gotten into a useful debate on…