Asia and Pacific

US foreign policy: Atlas seeks normalcy
President Obama's surprise weekend visit to Afghanistan was the curtain raiser to a two to four-week foreign policy sales pitch that will culminate in the release of the 2014…
Inequality and security: Some strategic implications
Thomas Piketty speaking in Cambridge, Massachusetts in April 2014 (Wikimedia Commons)  Thomas Piketty's widely discussed (and contested) treatise has put the spotlight on the…
Chinese foreign policy: Belligerence is internally motivated
Last week, Brad Glosserman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies made the smart observation that China has recently chosen a surprisingly hard course in its…
China to America: Not in our backyard
Last week was a heckuva week for China's rising power: tussling with Vietnam in the South China Sea (all about America, supposedly), signing a US$400 billion gas deal with Russia …
Narendra Modi: A transformative leader in India's relation with world
Narendra Modi: A transformative leader in India's relation with world
Narendra Modi: A transfomative leader in India's relation with worldRory MedcalfThe Economic Times27 May 2014Please click here for full online text.Rory Medcalf
How competitive is China's civil aviation industry?
Reports have surfaced that the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) C919 airliner program is struggling, with first deliveries pushed back to 2018, two years later…
China and Bretton Woods: Yuan not ready to supplant dollar
Seventy years ago the world's money-men met at Bretton Woods to redesign the international monetary system. The conference was a battle of two ideas: multilateralism versus…
Toward a Reset? The road ahead for the United States and South Korea-Japan Relations
Toward a Reset? The road ahead for the United States and South Korea-Japan Relations
Toward a Reset? The road ahead for the United States and South Korea-Japan RelationsAndrew KwonCogitAsia8 May 2014Please click here for the full online text.Andrew Kwon
India's Narendra Modi is good news for Australia
India's Narendra Modi is good news for Australia
India's Narendra Modi is good news for AustraliaRory Medcalf, Danielle RajendramThe Age20 May 2014Please click here for the full online text.Rory Medcalf , Danielle Rajendram
The demise of the Australia Network
May should have been a milestone month for Australian international broadcasting, and arguably the most celebratory in the 13-year history of the Australia Network. ABC…