Asia and Pacific

East China Sea: Is Australia hitting the 'pause' button on the Japan relationship?
Maybe Robert E Kelly is right that there has been too much gnashing of teeth and tearing of clothes over the very short change given to Asia in Barack Obama’s 2014 State of the…
Three notes on the State of the Union
1. The importance of Asia to America Robert Kelly's outstanding contribution on the absence of Asia from Obama's State of the Union speech deserves a brief addendum. Here's a…
The State of the Union scarcely mentioned Asia – and that's no surprise
US presidential State of the Union addresses (SotU) are frequently as important for what the leave out as what they include. President Obama’s SotU, delivered yesterday in…
Indo-Pacific security links: Abe in India, China's hypersonic vehicle, Global Hawks and more
Brendan Thomas-Noone is an intern in the Lowy Institute's International Security Program. Global business leaders may be waking up to the growing tensions in the Indo-Pacific…
Is Burma really buying submarines?
For the past six months, there have been intermittent reports in the news media and on specialist websites stating that Burma (Myanmar) is developing a submarine capability. If…
Chinese offshore holdings: Xinhua reported it years ago
The fallout from a report on the secret offshore holdings of China's business, military and political elites continues. In case you missed it, here's a brief summary of the…
China links: One child policy, soft power in North Korea, Central Asia, the Congo and more
How so-called 'leading small groups' help Xi Jinping and other party leaders exert power.  A US admiral concedes that China is encroaching on US dominance in the Pacific: 'Our…
Fiji: An election in 2014 and Bainimarama will stand
In what may be the clearest sign yet that Fiji Prime Minister Commodore Frank Bainimarama (pictured) intends to make good on his promise to hold elections in 2014, he has…
New year, old quarrels in China-Japan relations
Sino-Japanese relations got off to a rocky start in January.  Chinese Ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming kicked off a tit for tat diplomatic spat on the first day of the year. In…
A bloody weekend in Bangkok
The week-long 'Shutdown Bangkok' campaign turned violent over the weekend, with two attacks marring otherwise peaceful protests. A grenade attack on protesters near the historic…