Asia and Pacific

Stephen Walt's big question: How long will China tolerate America's role in Asia?
I'm late to Stephen Walt's blog post on this topic, but it deserves your attention. 'The future of Sino-American relations should be on everyone's list of Top 5 "Big Questions"',…
China’s SCO Challenges
China’s SCO Challenges
In this piece for The Diplomat, East Asia Program Research Associate Dirk van der Kley evaluates the difficulties facing the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. …
Xanana Gusmao-Mauk Moruk: Timor struggles with its past and future
Dr Anna Powles is a Senior Lecturer in Security Studies at Massey University. Jose KL Sousa Santos served as an advisor to the Timorese President and Government and was a security…
The Indian Ocean region: Security, stability and sustainability in the 21st century. Report of the Australia India Institute Task Force on Indian Ocean Security
Journal Articles
The Indian Ocean region: Security, stability and sustainability in the 21st century. Report of the Australia India Institute Task Force on Indian Ocean Security
International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf reviews the report of the Australia India Institute Taskforce on Indian Ocean Security, The Indian Ocean region: Security…
An uneasy and uncertain calm in Bangkok
An uncertain calm has descended on Bangkok. This follows more than a week of increasingly violent protests in what has marked another chapter in the long-running saga of the…
The 'Pivot' has run out of puff
The 'Pivot' has run out of puff
Despite Joe Biden’s Asia trip, Obama’s foreign policy has seemed Atlantic-focused recently.Michael Fullilove
New Caledonia wrestles with its future
In October, the New Caledonian Committee of Signatories to the Noumea Accord quietly released a document which will have important consequences for Australia and the South…
US should resist China's ADIZ, but...
Commenting on Paul Keating’s speech about China’s strategic responsibilities in Asia, Michael Green asks how, under my model of an Asian concert of powers, America should respond…
Q. & A.: Rory Medcalf on the meaning of China’s Air Defense Zone
Q. & A.: Rory Medcalf on the meaning of China’s Air Defense Zone
In this interview with Austin Ramzy for the New York Times' Sinosphere blog, Rory Medcalf discusses the regional security implications of China's Air Defence…
Reader riposte: China is not seeking to dominate
Kien Choong writes: I wonder if Crispin Rovere speaks authoritatively as an expert in Chinese history or is simply pontificating. My modest understanding of Chinese history is…