
Did 9/11 change our world?
Did 9/11 change our world?
We asked six experts, “Did 9/11 define our world? If so, how? If not, what did?” After each of their responses to these questions, editor Lydia Khalil challenges the experts…
Thai lives matter, too
Thai lives matter, too
Last week, Thailand had its own moment akin to the death of George Floyd in the United States. Although it lacked the racial overtones of Floyd’s murder, the helplessness of the…
Sharpening deterrence
Sharpening deterrence
“If you want peace, prepare for war.” The idea that states can avoid war by strengthening their military is attractively simple, and the advice, attributed to Roman author…
Will Jokowi pull off a three-peat?
Will Jokowi pull off a three-peat?
On 13 August, Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, granted an audience to Bambang Soesatyo, Speaker of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR), to discuss…
The Director’s Chair: Julia Gillard on the US and China, Afghanistan, Covid, and leaders she admires
The Director’s Chair: Julia Gillard on the US and China, Afghanistan, Covid, and leaders she admires
In this episode of The Director’s Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with Julia Gillard, Australia’s 27th Prime Minister.
Australia’s seaborne trade: Essential but undefendable
Australia’s seaborne trade: Essential but undefendable
Thomas Shugart’s excellent Lowy analysis Australia and the growing reach of China’s military is by far the best thing I’ve read on the specific defence implications for Australia…
Economic diplomacy: After Kabul, Australia looks to India
Economic diplomacy: After Kabul, Australia looks to India
Suitcase intelligence Bob Carr recalls in his Diary of a Foreign Minister how a senior Australian intelligence official told him bluntly in 2013 that the war against the…
Sri Lanka’s simmering twin crises
Sri Lanka’s simmering twin crises
In late 2019 Sri Lanka was facing several challenges, including a slowing economy, a rising external debt burden, and compromised national security resulting from a terrorist…
What’s in a name? The Taliban and recognition under international law
What’s in a name? The Taliban and recognition under international law
Is Afghanistan any longer a State in the international system under international law? More particularly, is the Taliban capable of being recognised as a legitimate government? …
Afghanistan holds lessons for American power in Asia
Afghanistan holds lessons for American power in Asia
Has America’s ignominious withdrawal from Afghanistan damaged its credibility? The scenes of chaos and panic at Kabul International Airport have certainly reinforced the sense…