
Taiwan: The age-old question of who gets a vote
Taiwan: The age-old question of who gets a vote
Taiwan is often held to be a beacon of progressiveness due to its legalisation of same-sex marriage and its efforts at gender equity. However, in terms of voting laws, Taiwan lags…
Economic diplomacy: Burning down the house
Economic diplomacy: Burning down the house
Follow the money Forget Extinction Rebellion, carbon border adjustment mechanisms and doctors’ wives in inner city Liberal seats. When Prime Minister Scott Morrison locked onto…
How can Australia reset relations with China?
How can Australia reset relations with China?
Australia-China relations appear caught in a well-charted downward spiral. In the past year alone both countries have lodged complaints against the other with the World Trade…
Afghanistan: Russia faces its own risks and uncertainty
Afghanistan: Russia faces its own risks and uncertainty
The American withdrawal from Afghanistan offers some opportunities to Russia – but exposes it to greater uncertainty and risk. Russia has long been ambivalent about the US/NATO…
The battle for Myanmar’s seat in the UN General Assembly
The battle for Myanmar’s seat in the UN General Assembly
Across Myanmar, the battle continues between the military and those opposed to the military coup d’etat of 1 February 2021. Opposition to the coup began with non-violent…
Australia and the Growing Reach of China’s Military
Australia and the Growing Reach of China’s Military
Beijing’s maritime and aerospace capabilities will have serious implications in the event of an Indo-Pacific power play.
Xi's tech crackdown preserves socialism with Chinese characteristics
Xi's tech crackdown preserves socialism with Chinese characteristics
Protecting foreign investors has never been a top priority. Originally published in Nikkei Asia Review   Richard McGregor
Australia and India: A time to refocus on trade talks
Australia and India: A time to refocus on trade talks
Australia’s former Prime Minister Tony Abbott has just completed a packed visit to India from 2–6 August as Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s special trade envoy. Abbott should…
Life in a host city, at home, live-streaming the Olympics
Life in a host city, at home, live-streaming the Olympics
One of the unexpected benefits of studying abroad for an extended period is the new perspective it brings to understanding your own country. Certainly, my first two years of study…
Hong Kong security law flexes Beijing’s international muscle
Hong Kong security law flexes Beijing’s international muscle
Last Friday, 24-year-old Tong Ying-kit was sentenced to nine years in prison under the so-called Hong Kong National Security Law (HKNSL), although its official title – The Law of…