
Postcard from Tokyo 2020+1
Postcard from Tokyo 2020+1
My university campus sits amid several Olympic venues and the international media centre, down by the ports on Tokyo Bay. From my tenth floor office, I can observe the…
Press freedom more important than ever in the Asia–Pacific
Press freedom more important than ever in the Asia–Pacific
The current Covid-19 pandemic has had an alarming impact on press freedom. Over the past 18 months, governments across the Asia–Pacific have – knowingly or not – used the health…
Indonesia cannot afford to put its economy before people
Indonesia cannot afford to put its economy before people
Since mid-May, Indonesia has faced a massive surge in Covid-19 infections with the number of reported positive daily cases increasing fivefold. As of the most recent update from…
Olympic glory: Tokyo’s success is a win for Beijing
Olympic glory: Tokyo’s success is a win for Beijing
As the excitement of Euro 2020 fades into the football world’s collective memory, another international sporting event rapidly approaches. The Tokyo Olympics, after being in doubt…
Sun, surf and a sandbox escape from a pandemic
Sun, surf and a sandbox escape from a pandemic
Before the pandemic, Thai island Phuket offered visitors the perfect blend of sun, beach and seedy-but-fun nightlife as one of the region’s best-known tourist destinations. Now,…
China’s law on conscription under revision
China’s law on conscription under revision
Last December the Chinese government released its updated National Defence Law in order to rectify the law with changes in the organisation, structure and missions of the Chinese…
Afghanistan, Australia and the visa conundrum
Afghanistan, Australia and the visa conundrum
With the advance of the Taliban in parts of Afghanistan and the withdrawal of coalition forces, the question of how to help Afghans who worked intimately with Australian forces…
Taipei’s growing legion of friends
Taipei’s growing legion of friends
“If a major problem occurred in Taiwan, it would not be going too far to say it could be an existential threat [for Japan].” These are the words of Japanese Deputy Prime Minister…
Xi and beyond
Xi and beyond
After more than four decades of reform and opening up, the centenary celebrations of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) were an opportunity for the Party-state to proclaim the…
Whatever happened to the South China Sea ruling?
Whatever happened to the South China Sea ruling?
Five years ago on this day, an international tribunal in a landmark ruling dismissed Beijing’s claim to much of the South China Sea. The Permanent Court of Arbitration at The…