
The limits of Zoom diplomacy in Asia
The limits of Zoom diplomacy in Asia
Say it quietly, lest the wrath of the pandemic gods be triggered. But the wheels of in-person diplomacy are starting to turn again across Asia. The smiling handshakes are gone,…
Abe aimed to move mountains, setting Japan high goals for the future
Abe aimed to move mountains, setting Japan high goals for the future
With Abe Shinzo’s unexpected announcement last Friday that he would step down as prime minister, Japanese politics stands at a crossroads. Abe became the longest-serving prime…
Jakarta should be wary of Beijing’s South China Sea proposals
Jakarta should be wary of Beijing’s South China Sea proposals
Jakarta has long made clear its position as a non-claimant state on the South China Sea, stating its principal interest in the dispute is to maintain peace and security in the…
Economic diplomacy: Spilled milk and foreign wages
Economic diplomacy: Spilled milk and foreign wages
Taking one for the team Spare a thought for Japanese company Kirin, which entered Australia in the vanguard of new ambitions for Asian economic engagement but is now a victim of…
Indo-Pacific strategy: Before justifying the means, identify the ends
Indo-Pacific strategy: Before justifying the means, identify the ends
“Strategy”, a term often used loosely in reference to long-term planning, has many published meanings. A military planner, though, sees a clear definition: a strategy is a stated…
Where next for MIKTA?
Where next for MIKTA?
After seven years, the informal middle power partnership bringing together Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey and Australia (MIKTA), has achieved less than optimists…
A measure of change in Myanmar election
A measure of change in Myanmar election
Myanmar’s next general elections are planned for 8 November, with more than 1100 parliamentary seats to be decided in the Lower House, Upper House and across state and regional…
The killings in the Philippines grow more brazen
The killings in the Philippines grow more brazen
Earlier this month, days after Manila went back into a hard lockdown due to a sharp rise in Covid-19 infections, unidentified assailants slipped past the Philippine capital’s…
The delusion of India trying to throttle China’s maritime trade
The delusion of India trying to throttle China’s maritime trade
The current phase of the Sino-Indian border conflict which began in May this year may go on for quite some time. India seems to be hunkering down for a long winter. Given the…
Kashmir, a year on from the change
Kashmir, a year on from the change
It has been a little over a year since the Indian government under Narendra Modi curtailed the semi-autonomous status of Kashmir by revoking Article 370 of the Indian constitution…