
Business, government must engage on international trade policy
Business, government must engage on international trade policy
Originally published in The Australian.
Indonesia's Economy Needs More Than A Reboot from Jokowi
Indonesia's Economy Needs More Than A Reboot from Jokowi
Originally published in Bloomberg.
Hidden seams in the UAE-Israel deal
Hidden seams in the UAE-Israel deal
The main questions about the normalisation agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates announced a week ago are why did it happen and what will it change? It’s pretty…
Book Review: The deadly legacy of the Cold War in the modern world
Book Review: The deadly legacy of the Cold War in the modern world
Book review: Vincent Bevins, The Jakarta Method: Washington’s anti-communist crusade and the mass murder program that shaped our world (Hachette, 2020) The world is awash with…
The Costs of COVID: Australia's Economic Prospects in a Wounded World
The Costs of COVID: Australia's Economic Prospects in a Wounded World
Despite a COVID-constrained global economy, rising unemployment and high government debt, meeting the fiscal challenge is within Australia's means
Australia and Sri Lanka: Air connectivity in the Indian Ocean region
Australia and Sri Lanka: Air connectivity in the Indian Ocean region
Australia and Sri Lanka’s recent experience working together to prevent people smuggling from Sri Lanka has been one of the more significant, and largely unreported, wins in…
In Malaysia’s Covid “infodemic”, crime is all too easy
In Malaysia’s Covid “infodemic”, crime is all too easy
In Malaysia earlier this month, it was reported a woman had been nabbed by the police for spreading false information relating to a supermarket closure in the northern state of…
China has wine in its firing line – will Scott Morrison bail out Australian producers?
China has wine in its firing line – will Scott Morrison bail out Australian producers?
With sanctions already in place against beef and barley, Beijing’s ‘anti-dumping’ investigation is designed to punish Canberra over political disputes. Originally published in The…
The Democrat and the world’s biggest democracy
The Democrat and the world’s biggest democracy
Given the high degree of political participation by the South Asian diaspora in the US that I’ve written about before, it seemed an inevitability that a person with some degree of…
How China reversed the new Great Game of strategic competition
How China reversed the new Great Game of strategic competition
Beijing changes global governance in its own image rather than the other way around. Originally published in the Nikkei Asian Review.