
Coping with Covid-19 as the Tokyo Olympics loom
Coping with Covid-19 as the Tokyo Olympics loom
The 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics were meant to be a welcome stimulus for the Japanese economy, and an opportunity to showcase Tokyo as a vibrant, “must visit” global city…
The curious case of the US Sri Lanka sanctions
The curious case of the US Sri Lanka sanctions
In February, the United States imposed individual sanctions against Sri Lankan military chief Shavendra Silva, who is presently both the Acting Chief of Defence Staff and…
Who will be the 21st century’s rule maker?
Who will be the 21st century’s rule maker?
Mike Mazarr and I are debating the way Asia will be “governed” in future. That term needs to be placed in quote marks because international affairs aren’t analogous to domestic…
Philippines: When democracies hit midlife crisis
Philippines: When democracies hit midlife crisis
Democracy in the Philippines turned 34 last week. The nation commemorated the peaceful mass demonstration that ousted the dictator Ferdinand Marcos from power. A group of…
Malaysia is now in uncharted waters
Malaysia is now in uncharted waters
As Malaysians reeled from the sudden downfall of Mahathir Mohamad, the appointment of Muhyiddin Yassin as Prime Minister, and the return of the former ruling Barisan Nasional…
Side effects: Covid-19 allows India a chance to lend Myanmar a hand
Side effects: Covid-19 allows India a chance to lend Myanmar a hand
The Indian Air Force last week evacuated 112 people stranded in Wuhan, one of several operations by India to the the Chinese city at the epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak. But…
Stirring hatreds ahead of Myanmar elections
Stirring hatreds ahead of Myanmar elections
Ethnic and religious nationalism has increasingly gripped Myanmar since intercommunal violence broke out between Burmese Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims in 2012. Viral…
Australia should speak out on India’s democratic crisis
Australia should speak out on India’s democratic crisis
Parts of India’s national capital have been rocked by the worst communal violence in decades, leaving more than 40 dead. The violence took place just as Australia’s Trade…
India’s reckless rush to ruin
India’s reckless rush to ruin
On a cold winter’s morning in November 1984, after travelling nearly 48 hours from the south of India, I stepped off a train in New Delhi. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had been…
In Afghanistan, peace or fragmentation?
In Afghanistan, peace or fragmentation?
A sense of déjà vu prevails in Afghanistan – it’s 2014 again. Only this time, a possible lasting peace is at stake. Hot on the heels of a US-Taliban agreement to trial a seven-day…