
The politics of racism as the Philippines struggles with coronavirus
The politics of racism as the Philippines struggles with coronavirus
It would almost seem nothing could further divide politics and society in the Philippines – and then the coronavirus arrived. Only three cases have been confirmed in the country,…
 Domestic vulnerabilities lie behind China’s aggressive expansion
Domestic vulnerabilities lie behind China’s aggressive expansion
In 2017, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech to the 19th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party stating that China now “stands tall and firm in the East”. He…
The tiny African country making a big case against Myanmar
The tiny African country making a big case against Myanmar
Last month, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague announced a decision ordering that Myanmar’s Rohingya people be protected from further atrocities. Myanmar…
Japan should – like other countries – build and operate hospital ships
Japan should – like other countries – build and operate hospital ships
A curious anomaly in Japan is that official hospital ships have not been built or used since the end of the Second World War. This is despite the fact that Japan has regular…
Economic diplomacy: Indonesian trade deals and real deals
Economic diplomacy: Indonesian trade deals and real deals
Moving on It is notable that while the three old Cs (curry, cricket, and the Commonwealth) still reappear at Australia-India gatherings, this week’s Indonesian summitry…
In Africa, the US plays catch-up with China
In Africa, the US plays catch-up with China
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has announced his first trip to Africa, 15–19 February, with stops in Senegal, Ethiopia, and Angola. The choice of these three countries…
Singapore’s quarrel over colonialism
Singapore’s quarrel over colonialism
If you take an early evening stroll through Singapore’s old civic heart, the ghosts of Empire loom all around. You might start your walk at the celebrated Raffles Hotel, where –…
Australia-Indonesia: Building trust
Australia-Indonesia: Building trust
Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi highlighted the importance of developing what she called “strategic trust” in Australia-Indonesia relations, just ahead of the visit to…
Jokowi’s Canberra trip: A step ahead on a long road
Jokowi’s Canberra trip: A step ahead on a long road
In any relationship, it’s never a great sign when both parties have to reassure each other constantly about the strength of their bond. The more you feel the need to say it, the…
Five urgent issues for Indonesia’s president
Five urgent issues for Indonesia’s president
On 10 February, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (“Jokowi”) will address Australia’s parliament. Indonesia is often referred to as the democratic success story of Southeast Asia…