
Could Australia unlock the Kashmir question?
Could Australia unlock the Kashmir question?
The Indian government’s lockdown of the strategic and volatile region of Kashmir is entering into its third month. Thousands of troops are deployed in the valley with shoot on…
Plogging along: India-China struggle to find momentum
Plogging along: India-China struggle to find momentum
You may have seen photos in recent days of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi hunched over a beach, picking up rubbish. While the images presented an opportunity for media to…
The Wiranto attack and the ISIS impact
The Wiranto attack and the ISIS impact
The stabbing attack last Thursday by an ISIS supporter on Wiranto, Indonesia’s top security minister, was a shock for several reasons. Attacks on senior officials in Indonesia are…
China and the problem with liberal values in a corporate world
China and the problem with liberal values in a corporate world
In a week which began with images of Xi Jinping waving at his own giant portrait in a military parade for the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) 70th anniversary, it ended in an…
US-China trade talks: No deal yet, but a breakthrough of sorts
US-China trade talks: No deal yet, but a breakthrough of sorts
It is only a start, but the Friday trade talks agreement between China and the US is still the best news for the world economy in the almost three years since Donald Trump won the…
China and Catholicism, an unhappy marriage
China and Catholicism, an unhappy marriage
China’s Christians are suffering again, as Beijing continues to implement leader Xi Jinping’s policy of “sinicisation” of religion that, in effect, means making adherents to all…
The underappreciated value of Japanese aid in the Pacific
The underappreciated value of Japanese aid in the Pacific
In the varied debates about influence in the Pacific, rarely does Japan’s position in the region feature prominently. On the off chance that Japan’s presence in the Pacific is…
For China, “national reunification” with Taiwan remains a dream
For China, “national reunification” with Taiwan remains a dream
Marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic, China’s Xi Jinping delivered a speech at Tiananmen Square on 1 October declaring “no force can stop Chinese…
Why does North Korea keep dragging its feet?
Why does North Korea keep dragging its feet?
The long-awaited US–North Korea working-level talks collapsed last week, as Washington and Pyongyang could not agree on the definition of “denuclearisation” and mutual concessions…
Economic diplomacy: Auditing globalism, trade woes, ASEAN’s future
Economic diplomacy: Auditing globalism, trade woes, ASEAN’s future
Dismal science Revision season is well underway at the top of the institutions that underpin the globalised economy, those same institutions now in the cross hairs of Prime…