
In Timor-Leste, a big set of challenges
In Timor-Leste, a big set of challenges
The 20th anniversary of the popular consultation that brought independence for Timor-Leste has been a time to celebrate the courage, determination, and persistence of the Timorese…
So-called media abundance still leaves blind spots with our neighbours
So-called media abundance still leaves blind spots with our neighbours
A rare image on social media of Indonesian paratroopers dropping into the troubled West Papua province this month was a stark reminder that, even in the age of 24/7 news,…
Economic diplomacy: Indonesian trade, ADB v BRI and Chinese money
Economic diplomacy: Indonesian trade, ADB v BRI and Chinese money
Slow but steady It has often been said that despite periodic diplomatic upheavals, Australia has been fortunate to have a sprawling multi-ethnic Asian neighbour to its north that…
The wisdom of Solomons: Taiwan and China’s Pacific power play
The wisdom of Solomons: Taiwan and China’s Pacific power play
This article is based on the Little Red Podcast episode “Should I Stay or Should I Go Now? Inside the Solomons’ Big Switch.” Taiwan’s relations with Solomon Islands started by…
Not such a great game
Not such a great game
Staying true to his reputation for unpredictability, US President Donald Trump suddenly called off the Afghanistan peace negotiations with the Taliban last Saturday – a major…
Why did the NZ Opposition Leader jump the shark on China?
Why did the NZ Opposition Leader jump the shark on China?
One day (well, on 20 May of this year, to be precise) as Opposition Leader you’re launching a discussion document on your party’s international policies. “National’s positioning…
Cat videos meet Big Brother
Cat videos meet Big Brother
As digital technology and information become more sophisticated, so does the Chinese internet and the ways in which it influences its people’s behaviour. It has established a …
The Amazing Race flies into North Korea
The Amazing Race flies into North Korea
Even as tensions between the United States and North Korea remain high ­– North Korea’s First Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui recently berated the US Secretary of State Mike…
Why the US and its allies should keep ASEAN at the centre
Why the US and its allies should keep ASEAN at the centre
Southeast Asia is a region crucial to China, the geography creating what is known as the “Malacca Strait dilemma” – a strategic chokepoint located between the Malay Peninsula and…
Narendra Modi, frequent flyer
Narendra Modi, frequent flyer
During Narendra Modi’s first five years in office, the Indian prime minister made 93 foreign visits, equalling the number of trips his predecessor, Manmohan Singh, made over an…