
China’s car exports pose a key question to policymakers: Compete or protect?
China’s car exports pose a key question to policymakers: Compete or protect?
China is on track to export nearly 5 million motor vehicles by the end of the year, making China the largest car exporter in the world. This has caught many by surprise. But the…
Mongolia’s critical role in the global energy transition
Mongolia’s critical role in the global energy transition
Climate change is pushing the world to transition its energy systems at an unprecedented pace. This shift is contingent on a steady supply of minerals and metals critical for the…
Owning the Indo-Pacific term: Time for a new ASEAN strategic narrative
Owning the Indo-Pacific term: Time for a new ASEAN strategic narrative
Over just a few years, the term “Indo-Pacific” has evolved from a mere geographical descriptor into a geopolitical rallying point. Coined by Japan and championed by the United…
The Fix: Getting a read on China
The Fix: Getting a read on China
We’re asking contributors to put together their own short collected observations like this one – and as always, if you’ve got an idea to pitch for The Interpreter, drop a line…
Australia must play the geoeconomics game, or risk being side-lined
Australia must play the geoeconomics game, or risk being side-lined
Last month, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon stated geopolitics is now the biggest global risk to the economy. Australian business leaders on the receiving end of Chinese economic…
Indonesia and its bid for OECD membership
Indonesia and its bid for OECD membership
In July this year, Indonesia officially announced its interest in becoming a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Indonesia’s Minister of…
Rethinking the Maldives-India security relationship
Rethinking the Maldives-India security relationship
On 30 September, Mohamed Muizzu won a convincing victory in the Maldives Presidential elections, where one of the issues was Maldives’ close security relationship with India. Now…
Beware sensational claims about Myanmar’s security environment
Beware sensational claims about Myanmar’s security environment
There is something about Myanmar that seems to attract bizarre ideas and wild stories. It may be the dearth of hard information about the country, which encourages gossip, rumours…
How can Australia get its commitments to reduce carbon emissions back on track?
How can Australia get its commitments to reduce carbon emissions back on track?
Difficult choices As the Albanese government is gearing up to explain to the world the likely rejection of an indigenous Voice to Parliament at the referendum vote this weekend…
Australia must act fast on joint patrols with the Philippines
Australia must act fast on joint patrols with the Philippines
Enrique Manalo, Philippines Foreign Affairs Secretary, made his feelings clear. “During our discussions,” he declared on Tuesday, standing alongside his Australian counterpart…