
China's grip on Southeast Asia tightens as U.S. influence wanes
China's grip on Southeast Asia tightens as U.S. influence wanes
Originally published in Nikkei Asia
Indonesia’s “golden visa” pitch to big-wheel investors
Indonesia’s “golden visa” pitch to big-wheel investors
In a June visit to Jakarta, American artificial intelligence entrepreneur Sam Altman remarked to Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, Indonesia’s Coordinating Minister of Maritime and…
Online scams in Southeast Asia create double victims: those targeted and those forced to carry them out
Online scams in Southeast Asia create double victims: those targeted and those forced to carry them out
The job ads always sound too good to be true. Open and well-paid positions at a popular casino. Lodgings, benefits and other perks provided. But it all ends up quite the…
Pakistan intends to deport 1.7 million Afghans
Pakistan intends to deport 1.7 million Afghans
Last week, the government of Pakistan announced that all undocumented migrants must leave the country by 1 November or face deportation. Afghan refugees are the biggest illegal…
In Myanmar, India should also engage the opposition
In Myanmar, India should also engage the opposition
In the two-and-a-half years since the military seized power in Myanmar, the junta has faced an increasingly critical West, an ambivalent ASEAN, and a far less critical India and…
Power of Siberia 2: Moving beyond a pipe dream?
Power of Siberia 2: Moving beyond a pipe dream?
Cut off from Europe after its invasion of Ukraine, Russia is “pivoting to Asia”, and especially China, to find alternative markets for natural gas. Moscow wants a larger share of…
Putin steps abroad, even as an international warrant hangs over his head
Putin steps abroad, even as an international warrant hangs over his head
Over the years, Russia has sought to preserve its sphere of influence with most former Soviet republics using the instrument of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). But…
Is ‘India Out’ of Maldives?
Is ‘India Out’ of Maldives?
As competition between the major powers plays out in the Indian Ocean there are many consequences for small island states – including elections won or lost on the basis of…
The surprising link between piracy and Covid-19
The surprising link between piracy and Covid-19
The Singapore Strait is experiencing a spike in maritime piracy attacks, with the incidence increasing from 12 attacks in 2019 to 38 in 2022, and an upwards trend continuing into…
Great expectations: Australia’s elusive Southeast Asia vision
Great expectations: Australia’s elusive Southeast Asia vision
Nicholas Moore’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy, a new government-commissioned report on Australia’s economic prospects in the region, is a detailed and comprehensive compendium…