
Myanmar’s military numbers
Myanmar’s military numbers
Over the years, countless attempts have been made to estimate the size of Myanmar’s armed forces (or Tatmadaw). However, the fact remains that no-one really knows. Despite the…
Joe Biden’s new Indo-Pacific Strategy: A view from Southeast Asia
Joe Biden’s new Indo-Pacific Strategy: A view from Southeast Asia
The United States has just released an Indo-Pacific Strategy document, reiterating the importance of the region under President Joe Biden. Even though the document states the…
Beyond the Quad: Fostering stronger India-Australia ties
Beyond the Quad: Fostering stronger India-Australia ties
Subrahmanyam Jaishankar’s visit last week to Australia – his first as India’s External Affairs minister – provides a fillip to the bilateral relationship. Jaishankar's main reason…
Handle with care: China’s economic engagement in Myanmar
Handle with care: China’s economic engagement in Myanmar
As a resource-abundant country and a close neighbour, Myanmar has been a popular destination for Chinese investment. Although China has had a cosy time investing in Myanmar since…
Indonesia makes a big defence statement
Indonesia makes a big defence statement
The fuss made over Friday’s Quad meeting in Melbourne is quite out of proportion to the group’s significance. Australians shouldn’t take any comfort from rhetoric about democratic…
Asia’s Covid waste dilemma
Asia’s Covid waste dilemma
For the last couple of years, virtually every news feed or broadcast has included images of mask-clad people or health workers suited up as protection from Covid-19. While…
Kazakhstan’s longtime “leader” is out, but the regime he built remains
Kazakhstan’s longtime “leader” is out, but the regime he built remains
It has been more than a month since protests over the fuel price hike broke out in western Kazakhstan and spread across the country as demands grew more political. Protesters…
Economic diplomacy: Mission critical as Australia’s own BRI gains pace
Economic diplomacy: Mission critical as Australia’s own BRI gains pace
Hey big spender The first loans under the Morrison government’s new program to support the production of critical minerals provides another insight into just how central the…
Will Australia use its amended sanctions act against Myanmar?
Will Australia use its amended sanctions act against Myanmar?
It was Christmas Eve 2021 when reports emerged about the Tatmadaw – Myanmar’s military – killing and burning 35 people in Kayah State, Eastern Myanmar. Of those killed and burned,…
Delivering promises will show steel in Quad
Delivering promises will show steel in Quad
The German naval chief, Vice Admiral Kay-Achim Schönbach, lost his job during a visit to Delhi last month. During an interaction where he went woefully off-script, he urged the…