
Australia–Japan defence cooperation in the grey zone
Australia–Japan defence cooperation in the grey zone
Over the last several years, the relationship with China has become increasingly awkward for both Australia and Japan. Other nations have also been similarly afflicted and…
Japan’s low-tech world
Japan’s low-tech world
Japan is a high-tech country, right? It is, after all, the home of bullet trains, robots, computer games and all sorts of gadgets. But there is another side of the story: low…
Mongolia suffers under China’s zero Covid policy
Mongolia suffers under China’s zero Covid policy
Food shortages, inflation, hundreds of thousands of people without an income, and thousands of shipping containers stuck on the border, not to mention rising Covid-19 cases, job…
Australia has a solution to Indonesia’s soaring food prices
Australia has a solution to Indonesia’s soaring food prices
Indonesia suffers from some of the highest food prices in Southeast Asia. Over the past decade, government policies focussed on food self-sufficiency have contributed to this…
South Korea’s embrace of Australia goes beyond China
South Korea’s embrace of Australia goes beyond China
The elevation of a “comprehensive strategic partnership” between South Korea and Australia during South Korean President Moon Jae-In’s state visit last month has left analysts…
Whoever controls the spice, controls the universe
Whoever controls the spice, controls the universe
In the science-fiction classic Dune, the natural resource of “spice” represents the most valuable commodity in the universe, found only on the desert planet of Arrakis. Spice…
The geopolitics of aiding the Taliban’s Afghanistan
The geopolitics of aiding the Taliban’s Afghanistan
The world has turned a blind eye to the sheer human misery surrounding Afghanistan ever since the Taliban returned to power in August 2021. While several regional countries…
Japan and Australia ties blossom
Japan and Australia ties blossom
Japan and Australia this month formally signed a “landmark” Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA), establishing a defence cooperation framework that will allow the stationing of…
Fear, loathing and infighting in Kazakhstan
Fear, loathing and infighting in Kazakhstan
Over the course of barely a week, the normally placid Kazakhstan, best known in the West for being the unwilling object of humour in the Borat films (and perhaps also for being…
A rare spate of headlines out of Laos last month trilled about a new bullet train that runs from the capital Vientiane to China, with the government heavily in debt after the…