Australia's Economy

Economic diplomacy: Mission critical as Australia’s own BRI gains pace
Economic diplomacy: Mission critical as Australia’s own BRI gains pace
Hey big spender The first loans under the Morrison government’s new program to support the production of critical minerals provides another insight into just how central the…
Bitcoin vs the IMF, and other great expectations
Bitcoin vs the IMF, and other great expectations
Digital divide El Salvador ranks only 89th on the latest index of cryptocurrency adoption around the world, but it may be at the frontline of one of the fascinating global…
China’s economic punishment – Best of The Interpreter 2021
China’s economic punishment – Best of The Interpreter 2021
The promise was pain. Anger China, so warned Beijing’s “wolf warrior” diplomats, and Australia’s economy would suffer. But for all the threats, tariffs and embargoes, Roland Rajah…
Economic diplomacy: Retro shopping beats the supply chain crisis
Economic diplomacy: Retro shopping beats the supply chain crisis
These Birks were made for walkin’ In the end it seems, like politics, all trade is local. It has been a big year for reshoring, diversification, logistics log jams and, as Joe…
Time to step up on global kleptocracy
Time to step up on global kleptocracy
When the Pandora Papers were published last month, few registered their significance for Australian statecraft. Spanning 11.9 million leaked documents, and exposing the property…
China’s economic sanctions made Australia more confident
China’s economic sanctions made Australia more confident
China has singled out several Australian industries with economic sanctions since May last year, imposing hefty tariffs on Australian barley and wine exports, while throwing up…
Beyond Fortress Australia
Beyond Fortress Australia
The reality of living in a pandemic has dawned on Australia. Covid cases at the time of writing are high and still climbing. The virus is here to stay. Equally clear is that ring…
Candour, at last, on China – but then what?
Candour, at last, on China – but then what?
The most important foreign policy speech by a cabinet minister so far this year was delivered last Monday. That Treasurer Josh Frydenberg was the speaker was a little surprising…
Economic diplomacy: Australia Inc’s new world order
Economic diplomacy: Australia Inc’s new world order
Risky business Australia’s sovereign wealth fund – the Future Fund – was established 15 years ago when the rivers of gold from selling iron ore to China were just starting to…
There is no wages case for a permanent cut to immigration
There is no wages case for a permanent cut to immigration
RBA governor Philip Lowe makes a reasonable point about the short-term suppression of wages in some industries. But long-run evidence shows migration lifts demand for workers…