Australia's Economy

Economic diplomacy: Rising risks and missing links in a pandemic
Economic diplomacy: Rising risks and missing links in a pandemic
China syndrome Former Trump administration economic adviser Kevin Hassett had a backhanded compliment for Australia amid this week’s financial market turmoil when he described it…
Car manufacturing and Australia: Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Car manufacturing and Australia: Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Clayton Christensen’s 1997 book The Innovator’s Dilemma provides a series of compelling examples of companies ignoring or dismissing the disruptive potential of…
What’s so strategic about baby-food?
What’s so strategic about baby-food?
The discussion about China’s bid for baby-formula supplier Bellamy’s Organic shows the usual confusion about just what should guide decisions on foreign investment in…
Economic diplomacy: China dependency and a notable departure
Economic diplomacy: China dependency and a notable departure
Switch hitting If Australia’s senior international ministers were surprised by the sharpness of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s approach to economic dependence on China at…
Economic diplomacy: Japan investment gazumps China, plus election on
Economic diplomacy: Japan investment gazumps China, plus election on
Investment: smaller is bigger There was a time when Asian investment in Australia was all about getting access to scarce resources and if Australia really punched above its…
Economic diplomacy: trade ground shifts despite US-China row
Economic diplomacy: trade ground shifts despite US-China row
Deal or no deal Global trade experts meeting in Australia this week have expressed some confidence that an interim deal will be reached by the end of the month. As markets…
The Economist: a change of heart
The Economist: a change of heart
This week’s Economist magazine features Australia on the cover with the caption: “Aussie Rules: what Australia can teach the world”. Inside, the text is effusive: Australia is …
Australia, Asia, and the “Wealth of Nations”
Australia, Asia, and the “Wealth of Nations”
How does Australia’s economy align with those of our Asian neighbours? What are the development challenges facing nearby South East Asian countries? And just how large is China’s…
No urgency in cutting Australian corporate tax
No urgency in cutting Australian corporate tax
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull returned from Washington last month even more convinced of the need for deep cuts in Australia’s 30% corporate tax rate, which is well above that…
Company tax cuts: America versus Australia
Company tax cuts: America versus Australia
The expert panel on the ABC’s Q&A program earlier this month was hopelessly confused in comparing Donald Trump’s cut in US company tax with the proposed company…