Australia in the World

Australian cyber: What’s “Redspice” for?
Australian cyber: What’s “Redspice” for?
Canberra is significantly boosting the cyber capabilities of the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) – the government agency responsible for signals intelligence, support to…
Time to think big on the future of Australian diplomacy
Time to think big on the future of Australian diplomacy
Worry about the underfunding of Australian diplomacy has almost become an annual ritual around budget time. But with an election imminent, this has become a higher stakes…
Does Australia have too many elections?
Does Australia have too many elections?
Prime Minister Scott Morrison might have officially fired the starter’s pistol for Australia’s election campaign on Sunday, but the ritual belies reality. This race has been…
Economic diplomacy: Priorities shift amid a budget aid boost
Economic diplomacy: Priorities shift amid a budget aid boost
Back to the future The Morrison government gave the development aid sector an unexpected surprise with a budget spending increase mostly in the Pacific, just as the latest crisis…
Five key findings from the Being Chinese in Australia survey
Five key findings from the Being Chinese in Australia survey
Australia is home to more than 1.2 million Chinese-Australians, some five per cent of the Australian population. Their experiences are as diverse as their views: many were born in…
Being Chinese in Australia Poll
Being Chinese in Australia Poll
The release of the second annual Being Chinese in Australia: Public Opinion in Chinese Communities survey is one of the largest studies of attitudes among Chinese-Australians ever…
Being Chinese in Australia Poll
Being Chinese in Australia Poll
The release of the second annual Being Chinese in Australia: Public Opinion in Chinese Communities survey conducted by the Lowy Institute’s Multiculturalism, Identity and…
Of maritime security and a rules-based order
Of maritime security and a rules-based order
Maritime scholars and practitioners often wrestle with the question of what a “desirable” architecture for maritime security should be, and how must it be properly implemented?…
AUKUS can be a good platform for cooperation with India
AUKUS can be a good platform for cooperation with India
Someone famous once reputedly quipped “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” So there is a certain echo to the AUKUS arrangement, which brings together Australia,…
A silver lining to DFAT’s budgetary woes
A silver lining to DFAT’s budgetary woes
The 2022 federal budget was handed down on Tuesday night, and it appeared mostly bad news for Australian foreign policy. Amid all the talk of an international order deteriorating…