Australia in the World

We need to stop talking about the grey zone
We need to stop talking about the grey zone
The concept of a grey zone in international affairs has gained popularity as analysts have tried to understand how states compete for strategic advantage in a more complex and…
Australian cricket’s soft power opportunity
Australian cricket’s soft power opportunity
Like it or not, the Australian cricket team are some of the nation’s most conspicuous representatives on the world stage. And right now, both the women’s and men’s teams have the…
Common enemies and instinctive friends
Common enemies and instinctive friends
The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. Likewise, there may not be an instinctive alignment of my two adversaries. Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s reference to “arc…
An agenda for aid and development in the 2022 federal election
An agenda for aid and development in the 2022 federal election
With the postwar global order facing its most profound set of challenges in almost 80 years, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has highlighted  the importance of “using all the…
Economic diplomacy: Building back better with frenemies after Ukraine
Economic diplomacy: Building back better with frenemies after Ukraine
Demolition job It’s now only about 16 months since the newly elected Joe Biden team created a ripple of excitement in Washington by registering as the first…
The Ukraine crisis, feminism and Australia’s foreign policy
The Ukraine crisis, feminism and Australia’s foreign policy
At the heart of a feminist approach to foreign policy is a commitment to non-violence. Not because the framework is unmoored from the realities of the world we live in, but…
Australian republicanism poses difficult foreign policy questions
Australian republicanism poses difficult foreign policy questions
The national dignity conferred by true independence warrants the best possible constitutional model for an Australian republic. But one of the main stumbling blocks to Australia…
Back in the USSR – surprises in the Russia-Ukraine conflict
Back in the USSR – surprises in the Russia-Ukraine conflict
My grandfather Kopel Harkowitz was born in Lismore, which is experiencing the worst floods in more than a century. In 1880, when the last big wet hit the Northern Rivers, his…
Australia and the crisis in Europe: threats and opportunities
Australia and the crisis in Europe: threats and opportunities
Vladimir Putin’s ruthless bid to erase Ukraine’s nationhood and redraw the map in Europe is a direct attack on the foundations of the post-war rules-based order, from which…
Australia begins to step it up in the northeast Indian Ocean
Australia begins to step it up in the northeast Indian Ocean
Australia’s focus on building the India relationship has led to the relative neglect of other important Indian Ocean states. This has left a hole in its Indo Pacific strategy. …