
Australia–Japan defence deal: noteworthy, not newsworthy
Australia–Japan defence deal: noteworthy, not newsworthy
Pity the news subeditor in summertime Australia. It’s January, the days are languid, and even the Trump administration can’t fill the entire World News section. Unsurprisingly,…
Revisiting the 1972 seabed boundary negotiations with Indonesia
Revisiting the 1972 seabed boundary negotiations with Indonesia
Making a judgement in the present about events in the past is fraught with difficulties. It is natural and often right to view past events with the moral and legal perspectives of…
Best of The Interpreter 2017: China's influence
Best of The Interpreter 2017: China's influence
Former senator Sam Dastyari cetainly found that history repeats itself as farce. Or as Stephen Conroy, the former Labor defence spokesman that Dastyari…
The right balance for ocean protection and industrial fishing
The right balance for ocean protection and industrial fishing
When the Convention on the Law of the Sea allowed countries to establish exclusive economic zones, coastal nations claimed 90% of the world’s fisheries. This carried enormous…
Review: Kevin Rudd and his road to be PM
Review: Kevin Rudd and his road to be PM
Kevin Rudd remains a polarising figure in Australian politics. The subject of near-messianic support as ‘Kevin07’, his legacy is contentious. His latest attempt to influence that…
A free press is a magic weapon against China's influence peddling
A free press is a magic weapon against China's influence peddling
Australia’s complicated relationship with China is in the throes of a long overdue reset. A stream of reports about Chinese Communist Party influence in Australian …
Clear messages required in Twitter-age of diplomacy
Clear messages required in Twitter-age of diplomacy
Robert Ayson is quite right to pick me up on the distinction between pre-emptive and preventative military strikes. My post on Australia’s policy towards a US attack on North…
What should Australia rule out on North Korea?
What should Australia rule out on North Korea?
In place of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's ambiguous commitment to support US military action against North Korea, Hugh White wants a clear statement ruling out Australia's…
Canberra conversations, with Gareth Evans
Canberra conversations, with Gareth Evans
This is Episode Three of Canberra Conversations, an occasional podcast series on The Interpreter where I talk with some of the big names from the foreign policy and national…
The Australia-Japan relationship: Worthy of more reflection
The Australia-Japan relationship: Worthy of more reflection
Australia’s ties with Japan constitute one of the world’s most well-rounded bilateral relationships. The past decade alone has witnessed the achievement of several major…