
Chinese students in Australia: Do we protest too much?
Chinese students in Australia: Do we protest too much?
Chinese students in Australia are attracting attention. Former Fairfax China correspondent John Garnaut said last month that Chinese students embody a 'racial chauvinism' that…
Canberra conversations, with Frances Adamson
Canberra conversations, with Frances Adamson
This is Episode Two of Canberra Conversations, an occasional podcast series on The Interpreter where I talk with some of the big names from the foreign policy and national…
Islamic State is changing the face of terrorism
Islamic State is changing the face of terrorism
If thwarted terrorist plots are anything to go by, then Australia surely does live up to its reputation as the lucky country. In the past month there were two narrowly missed…
Recognising women’s roles in countering violent extremism
Recognising women’s roles in countering violent extremism
Acts of violent extremism, such as the attacks in Barcelona earlier this month, are becoming a routine feature of the global security landscape. Such threats require little in the…
Should war require parliamentary approval?
Should war require parliamentary approval?
In light of US President Donald Trump's erratic attempts to intimidate North Korea, several prominent voices have argued that Australia's parliament should be granted control over…
Australia and Korea’s wars: A debate worth revisiting
Australia and Korea’s wars: A debate worth revisiting
Tensions have temporarily abated on the Korean Peninsula, following the latest blustery exchanges between Washington and Pyongyang. In typically mercurial fashion, after…
Death of a Lebanese terrorist
Death of a Lebanese terrorist
They say that the wheels of justice turn slowly, but they do turn. And if the reports of the death of the terrorist Khalid Sharrouf are confirmed, then it meant that he died as a…
Rhetorical arthritis won’t sell an Australian republic
Rhetorical arthritis won’t sell an Australian republic
By putting the creation of an Australian republic back onto the political agenda, Labor leader Bill Shorten has once more brought to the fore the connection between the nation’s…
Marriage equality fiasco damages Brand Australia
Marriage equality fiasco damages Brand Australia
Often it is the glaring contradictions of Australian life that catch the international eye. The successfully multi-cultural country with one of the most punitive approaches to…
Australia and ASEAN: The next 50 years
Australia and ASEAN: The next 50 years
Australia's future, and our future prosperity, are inevitably in Asia.   Julia Gillard pointed to this in 2012 when she launched the ‘Australia in the Asian Century’ White…