
The foreign policy case for the PM to spend more time at home
The foreign policy case for the PM to spend more time at home
Nick Bryant, former BBC correspondent and now Sydney resident, made a case this week against “the dreary parochialism” too often evident in Australian politics – the latest…
How China’s media reported Albanese’s visit
How China’s media reported Albanese’s visit
In Australia’s media, Anthony Albanese’s visit to China last week was highly anticipated, the first by the country’s prime minister in seven years, with journalists and analysts…
The Bletchley Park artificial intelligence summit: Good optics, less substance
The Bletchley Park artificial intelligence summit: Good optics, less substance
The Lowy Institute’s Lydia Khalil gave us a guide in these pages to UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s two-day artificial intelligence summit, hosted by the United Kingdom this month…
A Pacific union: Australia-Tuvalu deal goes well beyond climate
A Pacific union: Australia-Tuvalu deal goes well beyond climate
The announcement on the sidelines of the 2023 Pacific Islands Forum by Australia and Tuvalu of the “Falepili Union” is the most significant development for Australia and a Pacific…
Australia needs to resource a merchant fleet
Australia needs to resource a merchant fleet
On Friday, DP World Australia, the company operating container terminals at four of Australia’s largest ports, was brought to its knees by a cyber-attack. The impact on the flow…
What can – and should – we expect from Australia’s new cyber security strategy?
What can – and should – we expect from Australia’s new cyber security strategy?
A cyber-attack on Australia’s biggest port operator, halting 40 per cent of the nation’s maritime freight, and an Optus outage that crippled the services of Australia’s second…
The Coalition risks the general’s lament, of fighting the last war over China policy
The Coalition risks the general’s lament, of fighting the last war over China policy
Following positive developments such as the return home of Australian journalist Cheng Lei, the all-around smiles accompanying Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s visit last week to…
Where did the Afghan refugees go – and where next?
Where did the Afghan refugees go – and where next?
The majority of Afghans who fled the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in 2021 now reside in Pakistan (an estimated 600,000) and Iran (500,000), adding to the totals in both…
China-Australia: Smartening up people-to-people links
China-Australia: Smartening up people-to-people links
This week in Beijing, Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese told China’s President Xi Jinping that “we can all benefit from greater understanding that comes from high-level…
Economic diplomacy: Labor’s green security state rises
Economic diplomacy: Labor’s green security state rises
Tunnel vision Last Sunday inner city Sydney residents got their first chance to walk inside a 24-kilometre labyrinth of intersecting underground road junction tunnels, which is…