
How Australia features in Trump’s crosshairs
How Australia features in Trump’s crosshairs
“I will study this dumb deal!” So thundered the tweeting thumbs of Donald Trump back in the first days of his presidency, complaining “Do you believe it? The Obama…
Power of Siberia 2: Moving beyond a pipe dream?
Power of Siberia 2: Moving beyond a pipe dream?
Cut off from Europe after its invasion of Ukraine, Russia is “pivoting to Asia”, and especially China, to find alternative markets for natural gas. Moscow wants a larger share of…
AI will shape our world – even our brains – but it can be regulated
AI will shape our world – even our brains – but it can be regulated
The potential of new and emerging technologies can sometimes feel overwhelming. The pace of technological development means society is constantly on the cusp of emerging issues,…
The Fix: Solid rock, fatal bites
The Fix: Solid rock, fatal bites
We’re asking contributors to put together their own short collected observations like this one – and as always, if you’ve got an idea to pitch for The Interpreter, drop a line…
Glitch in the code: Google, Meta, and the fight over news in Canada and Australia
Glitch in the code: Google, Meta, and the fight over news in Canada and Australia
This year, Canada enacted Bill C.18, The Online News Act. The rather perfunctory name for the legislation belies the massive change it embodies. That law would require digital…
Five reasons why the government mustn’t cool its heels on an “Australian IRA”
Five reasons why the government mustn’t cool its heels on an “Australian IRA”
In a recent article in the Australian Financial Review, eminent energy economist Professor Frank Jotzo called for Australia to “stay cool, calm and collected” on the…
French criticism of nuclear ban treaty highlights Canberra’s dilemma
French criticism of nuclear ban treaty highlights Canberra’s dilemma
On 28 September, the Assembly of French Polynesia unanimously passed a resolution endorsing the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), the nuclear ban treaty that…
Australia’s support for Bangladesh will bolster regional stability
Australia’s support for Bangladesh will bolster regional stability
Australia is in the process of enhancing partnerships in the Indian Ocean region, including with non-traditional partners such as Bangladesh. Australia has a significant stake in…
Seychelles: Washington comes calling
Seychelles: Washington comes calling
The United States has announced it is reopening its embassy in Seychelles. The mission, opened at independence in 1976, was closed as a cost cutting measure in 1996 coincident…
Critical minerals, critical choices: Australia’s role in shaping the green revolution
Critical minerals, critical choices: Australia’s role in shaping the green revolution
Prime Minister Albanese sparked a mini controversy last month by wearing a Rio Tinto shirt with “Anthony” emblazoned on the chest pocket to a press conference in Karratha. He was…