
Afghanistan, Australia and the visa conundrum
Afghanistan, Australia and the visa conundrum
With the advance of the Taliban in parts of Afghanistan and the withdrawal of coalition forces, the question of how to help Afghans who worked intimately with Australian forces…
There is no wages case for a permanent cut to immigration
There is no wages case for a permanent cut to immigration
RBA governor Philip Lowe makes a reasonable point about the short-term suppression of wages in some industries. But long-run evidence shows migration lifts demand for workers…
The changing face of Australia’s diplomatic network
The changing face of Australia’s diplomatic network
“Pale, male, and stale” has been a consistent lament when looking at the roll call of ambassadors from most Western nations. There have been frequent calls to include more women,…
Lowy Institute Diplomat Database
Lowy Institute Diplomat Database
This Lowy Institute interactive uncovers the changing face of Australia's diplomatic network, tracking 47 years of Australian diplomatic appointments overseas. The data…
Lowy Institute Conversations: Michelle Grattan and Katharine Murphy on Australian foreign policy from the Canberra Press Gallery
Lowy Institute Conversations: Michelle Grattan and Katharine Murphy on Australian foreign policy from the Canberra Press Gallery
In this episode of Conversations, Natasha Kassam talks with Michelle Grattan and Katharine Murphy about China, climate policy and COVID-19, and what to expect from…
Australia right to back Biden on democracy
Australia right to back Biden on democracy
Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s recent speech, “A world order that favours freedom”, has some foreign policy commentators worried that Australia is signing up to more misguided US…
Forgiveness not permission: A feminist foreign policy
Forgiveness not permission: A feminist foreign policy
China’s increasing attention to the Pacific region has created an uncomfortable bind for Australian foreign policy: should Canberra try to compete on economic grounds, knowing…
Economic diplomacy: Surviving the pandemic’s foreign predators
Economic diplomacy: Surviving the pandemic’s foreign predators
Buyer beware At the end of March last year, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg used the pandemic to usher in the biggest re-regulation of capital flows into Australia for decades. And…
Building stronger Australia-Indonesia ties
Building stronger Australia-Indonesia ties
When then Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono addressed the Australian parliament in 2010, he argued that the bilateral relationship faced four major challenges:…
Australia sweeps the table in the UK trade deal
Australia sweeps the table in the UK trade deal
Australian trade negotiators often enter talks with difficult demands and a comparatively weak hand. Agriculture, where they seek concessions from the other side, is politically…