
The dangers in Australia’s blissful ignorance about India
The dangers in Australia’s blissful ignorance about India
A major headline from the 2021 Lowy Institute Poll is the dramatic decline in the Australian public’s assessment of China, continuing the trend already observed in previous years…
By the numbers: Charting the Australia-China relationship in decline
By the numbers: Charting the Australia-China relationship in decline
“China is angry. If you make China the enemy, China will be the enemy.” Or so said a Chinese government official speaking to an Australian reporter in November 2020. This comment…
How Australians look in the mirror, and out a window to the world
How Australians look in the mirror, and out a window to the world
Australians generally hold a healthy self-image of the nation’s place on the global stage. The 2021 Lowy Institute Poll, released today, reveals that view to be sustained. In…
Fear of military conflict on the rise in Australia
Fear of military conflict on the rise in Australia
In an opinion piece originally published in The Australian newspaper, Lowy Institute director of public opinion and foreign policy Natasha Kassam and research director…
Maladies, remedies and optimising security
Maladies, remedies and optimising security
Last week, Peter Dutton gave his first speech as Minister for Defence. In his remarks and follow up Q&A, Dutton touched on the increasing risk of war “especially through…
Economic diplomacy: Trade deals for a fast-growing family
Economic diplomacy: Trade deals for a fast-growing family
Worker vs worker vs student Almost five million Kiwis have always been at least cousins. And Scott Morrison’s distinctive contribution to regional security has been his embrace…
Coal’s decline is underway, no matter what Australia’s politicians say
Coal’s decline is underway, no matter what Australia’s politicians say
It would have been so easy. In response to the G7 resolution “to achieve an overwhelmingly decarbonised power system in the 2030s” with focus on stopping investment in traditional…
An alliance of democracies is essential
An alliance of democracies is essential
Susannah Patton and Ashley Townshend argued in The Interpreter last week that the Morrison government should steer the Biden administration away from a coalition of world…
Australia’s China politics heats up
Australia’s China politics heats up
After a long period of uber-bipartisanship in the handling of China relations, Labor has opened a clear line of attack on the Morrison government.   Last month, at the…
Australia should steer the US off a values-based Indo-Pacific strategy
Australia should steer the US off a values-based Indo-Pacific strategy
En route to his first in-person meeting with President Joe Biden this weekend, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has called for coordinated action among liberal democracies to compete…