
The (other) continent we can’t defend
The (other) continent we can’t defend
For all the back-and-forth Hugh White has generated with his latest book, How to Defend Australia, in a national preoccupation with the China question, little serious discussion…
Iran: Washington calls on Canberra
Iran: Washington calls on Canberra
Washington has asked for Australian support to participate in a coalition maritime Persian Gulf security force. The request was formally announced as part of Sunday’s AUSMIN talks…
Economic diplomacy: Guns versus butter, trade wars, and feeding PNG
Economic diplomacy: Guns versus butter, trade wars, and feeding PNG
Separation anxiety A new call to split trade negotiation from diplomacy in Australia has once again underlined how the rise of China has unsettled traditional frameworks…
A podium protest aimed at swimming’s administrators, not China
A podium protest aimed at swimming’s administrators, not China
The World Aquatics Championships in Gwangju clearly won gold in the race for sporting headlines these last few days. Just like the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics last year, it seemed…
The bittersweet pill in the Australia-India sugar stoush
The bittersweet pill in the Australia-India sugar stoush
Over the past few months, sugar has featured prominently in India’s political and economic discussion. Countries such as Australia, Brazil and Guatemala are upset with the Indian…
The Pacific step up goes to Washington
The Pacific step up goes to Washington
One evening every June for more than 20 years, a “Pacific Night” reception has featured as a mainstay of the diplomatic circuit in Washington DC. It is organised largely through…
Australia, New Zealand and the “corrosive” character test
Australia, New Zealand and the “corrosive” character test
In the first parliamentary sitting week following Australia’s recent election, a bill to amend the Migration Act was introduced and tabled in the House of Representatives. This…
Australia’s alliance with the US is defined by more than one President
Australia’s alliance with the US is defined by more than one President
Analysis of the Lowy Institute Poll of Australians’ international perspectives reveals a remarkable resilience in the level of support for Australia’s alliance with the United…
Harnessing demographic destiny
Harnessing demographic destiny
Once confident predictions that the world’s population will reach 11 billion by the end of this century are beginning to be debunked. It is now appears more likely that the global…
Professor White, the bomb can endanger but not defend Australia
Professor White, the bomb can endanger but not defend Australia
“I am prepared for the worst, but hope for the best”, wrote Benjamin Disraeli in the 19th century. Maya Angelou improved on that in the last century: “Hoping for the best,…