
Connecting the dots on the Blue Dot Network
Connecting the dots on the Blue Dot Network
The US, Australia, and Japan have joined together to establish a trilateral “Blue Dot Network” to help develop infrastructure “in the Indo-Pacific and around the world”. The plan…
Review: Australia, real and imagined
Review: Australia, real and imagined
Review: Tim Watts, The Golden Country: Australia’s Changing Identity (Text Publishing 2019) Summer reading bins have been well stocked with memoirs by retired Australian…
Chart of the week: Trump and the US-Australia alliance
Chart of the week: Trump and the US-Australia alliance
Donald Trump is about to be the third US President in history to be impeached. Australians won’t be surprised – he’s never been popular here. But Australia’s alliance with the…
The Sino–Russian alliance and what it means for Australia
The Sino–Russian alliance and what it means for Australia
On 3 October, Vladimir Putin confirmed that China and Russia have forged a multidimensional alliance in economics, politics, and defense. This announcement both confounds the many…
Kinship is vital to Pacific disaster response
Kinship is vital to Pacific disaster response
“Category 5 strength cyclones have occurred in some years with similar conditions leading into the 2019/20 season,” New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric…
Out of sight, out of mind? Irregular people movement on the doorstep
Out of sight, out of mind? Irregular people movement on the doorstep
Earlier this year, French authorities intercepted a boat from Sri Lanka heading to Réunion Island, a journey of more than 4000 kilometres in the direction of Madagascar. Reports…
What Russia wants in a multipolar world
What Russia wants in a multipolar world
Last week, Russia’s Ambassador to Australia, Alexei Pavlovsky, delivered a keynote address at the Australian National University on Russia’s strategic architect and former foreign…
Chart of the week: Australian versus Chinese aid in the Pacific
Chart of the week: Australian versus Chinese aid in the Pacific
In the last two years China’s engagement in the Pacific – particularly through its aid program – has sparked alarm in Canberra. The spiking orange line in 2017 is part of the…
See you in court? A rising tide of international climate litigation
See you in court? A rising tide of international climate litigation
There has been a surge in climate litigation in national courts over the past few years, especially in the United States. Accompanying this has been growing interest in litigating…
Victoria takes the initiative with China
Victoria takes the initiative with China
I thought to myself, here’s Xi Jinping walking past, here’s a chance to ask him a question. But instead he just gave me a wan look and a bodyguard quickened a step to put himself…