Australian Defence Intelligence and Security

Malcolm Fraser's Asia Delusion
Journal Articles
Malcolm Fraser's Asia Delusion
Malcolm Fraser's Asia Delusion Rory Medcalf Australian Journal of International Affairs 20 October 2014Rory Medcalf
The public has a role to play in the next Defence White Paper
Australia's national interests are enmeshed with international order, and daily we see grim reminders that armed force still matters in the contemporary world. Australian forces…
Australian Army Reserve: Time for an overhaul?
In these times of budget austerity, imagine if someone came up with a proposal that could potentially save the Defence budget tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars from its…
Is Abbott spreading Australia too thin?
Two months ago, as Prime Minister Abbott's globalist reflexes were becoming increasingly apparent, I offered a perspective from Washington that the US should welcome a more…
Australian jihadists: Is revoking citizenship the answer?
One of the policy solutions being considered by the Australian Government to deal with the expected problem of returning Australian jihadists is to preclude their return to…
At AUSMIN 2014, let's talk about naval force posture
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel arrives in Sydney, 11 August 2014. (Department of Defence.) US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel touched down in Sydney today for the annual…
Malcolm Fraser talks 'Dangerous Allies'
Earlier this week the Lowy Institute hosted former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser to discuss his new book Dangerous Allies. Below is the full video of the event. …
Australia-US defence deal: What it means
This morning Prime Minister Tony Abbott and US President Barack Obama announced the conclusion of a series of agreements between the US and Australia. Chief among these is the US…
In defence of the Indo-Pacific: Australia's new strategic map
Journal Articles
In defence of the Indo-Pacific: Australia's new strategic map
In this article for the Australian Journal of International Affairs, the Lowy Institutes International Security program director Rory Medcalf argues that Indo-Pacific Asia is a…
Anzac casts its long shadow over the Army History Unit
  For the last few months, anyone who's been unlucky enough to blunder into my path has been assaulted with the arguments in my book Anzac's Long Shadow: The Cost of our National…