Australian Defence Intelligence and Security

Malcolm Fraser taken to task for his Pine Gap claims
An addendum to the long interview I posted last Friday with former prime minister Malcolm Fraser. Fraser argues in his new book Dangerous Allies that the US listening post at…
Jump jets for Australia?
It has just been pointed out to me that in his press conference of 23 April announcing the decision to buy 58 Joint Strike Fighters (JSFs) for the Royal Australian Air Force,…
Interview: Malcolm Fraser on 'Dangerous Allies'
Yesterday I had a long and fascinating talk with former Australian prime minister Malcolm Fraser, who has just released Dangerous Allies, his new book calling for a substantially…
Defence spending: A better measure for holding government to account
The Abbott Government's repeated commitment to build Australia's defence spending back to 2% of GDP within a decade is welcome. Our defence budget carries a heavy load. In the…
Hawks must admit they got Iraq wrong
Hawks must admit they got Iraq wrong
Dr Michael Fullilove calls for pundits who cheered on Australia's invasion of Iraq to admit their grievous error.  Michael Fullilove
US defence budget: Hagel cuts won't be the last
Those of you who read Mike Green's post this morning and who have followed the coverage of US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel's budget bid will understand that this is not the last…
The case against Assange and Snowden
Get comfortable before you tackle this epic portrait of Julian Assange by his ghost-writer, Andrew O'Hagan. The author writes more in sadness than in anger because he is clearly…
China's naval exercise: Jakarta Post story raises new questions
China's Indo-Pacific naval exercise, which I first analysed in this post, is continuing to make waves, with David Wroe of the Sydney Morning Herald providing this good wrap-up on…
Anzac's long shadow: the cost of our national obsession
Anzac's long shadow: the cost of our national obsession
Lowy Institute Military Fellow, and former army officer, James Brown believes that Australia is expending too much time, money and emotion on the Anzac legend, and that today'…
Snowden leaks now hurting US exports, so is spying worth it?
Yesterday Peter McCawley noted that revelations of Australian spying on Indonesia are threatening to damage bilateral trade talks. Today, more evidence that the Snowden leaks are…