Australian Navy

An AUKUS surprise – Best of The Interpreter 2021
An AUKUS surprise – Best of The Interpreter 2021
The buzz about an impending big announcement started the night before. But when the leaders from Australia, the United Kingdom and United States stood in a virtual press…
Are nuclear-powered submarines better – more cost-effective – for Australia’s operational needs than conventionally-powered ones? This is one of the many questions that deserve…
AUKUS and the nuclear non-proliferation regime
AUKUS and the nuclear non-proliferation regime
Whether Australia leases, buys or builds nuclear-fuelled submarines, it will be the first non-nuclear state to do so. The recent announcement of AUKUS – the Trilateral Agreement…
AUKUS and the CPTPP: It’s all about China
AUKUS and the CPTPP: It’s all about China
China’s application to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) just hours after announcement of the new tripartite AUKUS (Australia,…
When you’re in a hole, stop digging: Australia and the nuke sub deal
When you’re in a hole, stop digging: Australia and the nuke sub deal
There is an old saying that if you find yourself in a hole, the best course of action is to stop digging. If only Australia understood this wisdom. Abandoning the French submarine…
Australia’s wartime seaborne trade: insights from before
Australia’s wartime seaborne trade: insights from before
China’s maritime warfare capabilities become more potent almost daily. Thomas Shugart’s new Lowy Institute paper explores this and then imagines the potential dangers arising for…
How nuclear subs could transform Australia, its alliance and Asia
How nuclear subs could transform Australia, its alliance and Asia
Australia is about to join an exclusive group of nations operating one of the most lethal military platforms ever conceived – nuclear-powered submarines. My initial thoughts on…
Australia’s essential need: not seaborne trade but seaborne supply
Australia’s essential need: not seaborne trade but seaborne supply
Tom Shugart’s Lowy Institute analysis of the rising maritime capabilities of China’s armed forces presents a bleak prospect for the imbalance between China’s growing offensive…
Australia’s seaborne trade: Essential but undefendable
Australia’s seaborne trade: Essential but undefendable
Thomas Shugart’s excellent Lowy analysis Australia and the growing reach of China’s military is by far the best thing I’ve read on the specific defence implications for Australia…
Australia's South China Sea Challenges
Policy Briefs
Australia's South China Sea Challenges
Canberra needs to work with Southeast Asia to address looming South China Sea challenges from China and the US