Australian Navy

Sea denial is not enough: An Australian and Indian perspective
Sea denial is not enough: An Australian and Indian perspective
In recent years – and for good reason - the strategic commentariat in both Australia and India has become increasingly concerned with the rise of China’s maritime power and the…
The Australia–India Strategic Partnership: Accelerating Security Cooperation in the Indo–Pacific
The Australia–India Strategic Partnership: Accelerating Security Cooperation in the Indo–Pacific
Shared concerns about China's rise have propelled Australia and India to deepen their security ties
Get behind Southeast Asia with clear policy against China bullies
Get behind Southeast Asia with clear policy against China bullies
Originally published in The Australian.
Regional security depends on making order from chaos
Regional security depends on making order from chaos
Originally published in The Australian.
Taiwan Flashpoint: What Australia Can Do to Stop the Coming Taiwan Crisis
Policy Briefs
Taiwan Flashpoint: What Australia Can Do to Stop the Coming Taiwan Crisis
Australian diplomacy could ease rising tensions across the Taiwan Strait, if Australian policymakers rediscovered an appetite for involvement in the flashpoint.
Bring Australia’s Navy home from the Middle East
Bring Australia’s Navy home from the Middle East
Last Wednesday, the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) frigate HMAS Warramunga docked at Garden Island, ending a nine-month deployment to the western Indian Ocean. It was…
Australia’s navy needs to mind the missile gap
Australia’s navy needs to mind the missile gap
David Axe’s recent War is Boring article on China’s new Type 055-class cruiser focused on its bristling load of vertical-launch missile cells. The Type-055 carries 112 cells (not…