Australian trade, investment & economy

Australia needs better foreign investment rules
Australia needs better foreign investment rules
  Originally published in the Nikkei Report.Stephen Grenville
Why DFAT is wrong on the opportunity cost of FTAs
Last month the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) secretary, Peter Varghese, had this to say about Australia’s participation in the global movement toward preferential…
Douglass North and the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Now that the terms of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) have been agreed, the participant countries have to decide whether to ratify the deal. In assessing the benefits, where…
Chinese investment in Australia: Sometimes it makes sense to sell the farm
Treasurer Scott Morrison has rejected the proposed sale of the Kidman cattle properties to foreign interests: Given the size and significance of the total portfolio of Kidman…
Drop the currency manipulation grudge to reap the benefits of a bigger TPP
With the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) finally revealed, commentators, specialists and interest-groups can immerse themselves in the 6000 pages (with important side…
India's interests are aligning with Australia's; now Modi must grasp the opportunity
As the fastest growing economy in Asia, many countries are vying for India's attention. India's understaffed Ministry of External Affairs is constantly grappling with the demands…
TPP: Australia should bring in China and Indonesia
The negotiators have finally reached agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The US Congress might yet be a stumbling block, but the many US interest groups which stand…
Vietnam and Australia: Common interests should be reflected in closer ties
Richard Woolcott recently called for 'a much more sustained conversation with our neighbouring countries in Asia and the south-west Pacific' ('The Turnbull era: Eight Ideas for…
TPP: Not worth the risk
After marathon talks, the Trans Pacific Partnership has been sealed. The stage is now set for some fantastic battles to get this through national legislatures. I'll leave it to…
Australia's Future Submarine Project: The urgent need for economic scrutiny
The pace of decision-making on Australian submarines is quickening, with the core of the current debate driven exclusively by South Australian politics. But the insistent voices…