Australian trade, investment & economy

The secretive TPP: Never again
One aspect of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that has come under criticism is the lack of transparency in the negotiating process. Could a more transparent model be used for…
Economic history makes a comeback
When the economy is going well, we talk about the bright future. Why is it only when it is going bust that we look to the past? The Economist recently published an interesting…
Is capital globally mobile?
The Australian Treasury has been busy. On top of its usual output, the last 18 months have included the Financial System Inquiry, hosting the G20, the 2015 Intergenerational…
Why a 'Google tax' is not the answer to corporate tax avoidance
Can tax laws keep up with globally operating businesses and constant technological change? This is a fundamental challenge confronting governments. It is also the reason tax is…
Why Australia needs Austrade
Bruno Mascitelli is editor of the newly released The Austrade Story: Export and Investment Facilitation Under the Microscope. The Australian Trade Commission, or Austrade as it is…
Encourage investment by levelling the imputation playing field
Encourage investment by levelling the imputation playing field
Encourage investment by levelling the imputation playing fieldStephen Grenville The Australian Financial Review9 April 2015Click here for the online textStephen Grenville
The TPP and intellectual property rights
Earlier posts have discussed how the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – if it comes into force – will be part of the process of setting global rules across a wide range of issues,…
Trapped in history
Trapped in history
Trapped in historyJohn EdwardsThe Australian Financial Review21 March 2015Click here for the online text.John Edwards
Australia needs a modern and globalised tax system
The Abbott Government will shortly release a discussion paper on the Australian tax system. It will be the first step towards the much anticipated tax white paper. International…
UK budget: A test for 'expansionary austerity'
The 2008 global financial crisis provided a rare test-bed for macroeconomics — an opportunity to sort out some old controversies. One issue dominated the debate during the…