China's Military

Australia’s seaborne trade: Essential but undefendable
Australia’s seaborne trade: Essential but undefendable
Thomas Shugart’s excellent Lowy analysis Australia and the growing reach of China’s military is by far the best thing I’ve read on the specific defence implications for Australia…
Australia and the Growing Reach of China’s Military
Australia and the Growing Reach of China’s Military
Beijing’s maritime and aerospace capabilities will have serious implications in the event of an Indo-Pacific power play.
Bringing the grey zone into focus
Bringing the grey zone into focus
Australia’s 2020 Defence Strategic Update was, by the standards of such publications, a hard-hitting document. It had a particularly strong focus on grey zone activities, seen as…
Jagged sphere
Jagged sphere
China’s quest for infrastructure and influence in mainland Southeast Asia
Australia's South China Sea Challenges
Policy Briefs
Australia's South China Sea Challenges
Canberra needs to work with Southeast Asia to address looming South China Sea challenges from China and the US
The Crisis after the Crisis: How Ladakh will Shape India’s Competition with China
The Crisis after the Crisis: How Ladakh will Shape India’s Competition with China
The border crisis in Ladakh may end in war or peace — or it may never end.
Beijing’s line on the South China Sea: “Nothing to see here”
Beijing’s line on the South China Sea: “Nothing to see here”
China’s strategy in responding to concerns about its intentions in the South China Sea is to claim that none of the activities, statements or behaviours that concern other…
China and the Rules‑Based Order
China and the Rules‑Based Order
Seven experts debate China’s approach to the rules‑based international order
Get behind Southeast Asia with clear policy against China bullies
Get behind Southeast Asia with clear policy against China bullies
Originally published in The Australian.
Regional security depends on making order from chaos
Regional security depends on making order from chaos
Originally published in The Australian.