China's Military

The sharp sword: China and the drone threat to Australia
The sharp sword: China and the drone threat to Australia
In Saudi Arabia, a combined drone and cruise missile attack conducted by still-unknown forces (either Iran, Iraqi proxy groups, Yemeni militia forces, or a combination of all…
What China’s defence paper tells us about Beijing’s regional ambition
What China’s defence paper tells us about Beijing’s regional ambition
Beijing, over the years, has become more focussed and explicit in recognising and explaining its security threat perceptions. China last week released its 11th national defence…
China’s intelligence gathering ships change the equation
China’s intelligence gathering ships change the equation
Exercise Talisman Sabre has finished, and the Australian, American and Japanese units involved have dispersed to their bases or operational deployments. So has the Chinese ship…
China’s head-spinning defence white paper
China’s head-spinning defence white paper
Readers of the white paper China’s National Defence in the New Era can be forgiven for their headaches as they move from one conflicting statement to another in Beijing’s latest…
China may only seek a limited naval role in the Indian Ocean
China may only seek a limited naval role in the Indian Ocean
Among the many questions raised by the massive modernisation and expansion of China’s Navy in the last few years is its future role in the Indian Ocean. Will the Indian Ocean…
China’s expanding navy
China’s expanding navy
Recent reports of problems with the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLA-N) carrier-borne J-15 jet fighters have opened a small window on challenges facing China’s expanding navy,…
Has the PLA really overlooked its amphibious force?
Has the PLA really overlooked its amphibious force?
It might surprise the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to learn they’ve short-changed themselves on amphibious capability. Sam Roggeveen wrote on The Interpreter recently (“Why…
Deterrence under the dragon’s shadow: Vietnam’s military modernisation
Deterrence under the dragon’s shadow: Vietnam’s military modernisation
On 5 March the USS Carl Vinson made a port call to Danang, in central Vietnam. It was the first time since the War (the Vietnam War to Americans, and the American War to…
China and the military balance
China and the military balance
The International Institute for Strategic Studies has launched the 2018 edition of The Military Balance, which tracks the development of military forces around the world. It…
The 19th Party Congress: A more assertive Chinese foreign policy
The 19th Party Congress: A more assertive Chinese foreign policy
In a landmark address that kicked off the 19th Party Congress, President Xi Jinping articulated his vision for China's future. The three-and-a-half-hour reading of the work report…