
Hong Kong's new 'Basic Law' is that whatever China says, goes
Hong Kong's new 'Basic Law' is that whatever China says, goes
Judges alone cannot protect territory from Beijing's heavy-handed interventions. Originally published in Nikkei Asian Review.
Covid contest in Indian Ocean region: India, China jostle for top spot
Covid contest in Indian Ocean region: India, China jostle for top spot
In recent times, Australia has been searching for ways to support its Pacific “family” through the Covid-19 crisis with an eye on China’s moves. India has also been trying to help…
In beef over barley, Chinese economic coercion cuts against the grain
In beef over barley, Chinese economic coercion cuts against the grain
Last weekend news broke that the Chinese government was considering imposing large tariffs on Australian barley exports. Now, China-bound exports from four Australian meat…
Weight on the scales
Weight on the scales
A few months back – only in January, yet seemingly a very different time ­– Mike Mazarr and I offered some initial reflections on America’s and China’s contrasting “theories of…
Wuhan lab claims: Is Australia questioning China? Or the US? Both?
Wuhan lab claims: Is Australia questioning China? Or the US? Both?
A calculated leak?  – Ben Scott Local newspapers have published remarkable claims detailing Australia’s reported concern about suggestions coming out of Washington that the…
Beyond Covid, might China overreach?
Beyond Covid, might China overreach?
A major disruption and the emergence of a global threat in the shape of a pandemic may have been expected to foster closer global cooperation. While this may momentarily be true,…
Who would Beijing prefer wins in November?
Who would Beijing prefer wins in November?
The 2020 US presidential election may well go down in history as the “China election”. Indeed, if the past month has been any indication, the narratives around this race for the…
Despite headwinds, China prepares for world’s largest carbon market
Despite headwinds, China prepares for world’s largest carbon market
In late 2017, China released its national emissions trading system (ETS) plan, laying out a three-stage transition from regional pilot systems that began in 2013. The national ETS…
The prospects for China’s post–Covid-19 economy
The prospects for China’s post–Covid-19 economy
While the Canberra political establishment has been sparring with China’s Foreign Ministry – and with Australian billionaires – much of the corporate elite has begun puzzling how…
Gwadar Port: New Dubai or pie in the sky?
Gwadar Port: New Dubai or pie in the sky?
The small port town of Gwadar, in the south-west of Pakistan, is the centre stage of the $50 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project, the Pakistan component of…