
Unpacking China’s overseas aid program
Unpacking China’s overseas aid program
China’s role in the outbreak of the biggest pandemic since 1918 – both in terms of how it started and how China managed its response – has come into global focus. China is sharing…
The missing piece in the debate about the future regional order
The missing piece in the debate about the future regional order
With cruise ships banned from ports around the world, it would not be a stretch to wonder about the impact the coronavirus pandemic will have on future military movement as well…
Foresight and pragmatism missing in Australia’s relations with China
Foresight and pragmatism missing in Australia’s relations with China
There are many reasons the world needs an independent inquiry into the origins of the novel coronavirus. After all, the pandemic has infected nearly three million people and taken…
How Is the Coronavirus Outbreak Affecting China’s Relations with Its Asian Neighbors?
How Is the Coronavirus Outbreak Affecting China’s Relations with Its Asian Neighbors?
Originally published in ChinaFile and Foreign Policy.
Is this the Kindleberger moment?
Is this the Kindleberger moment?
In 1973 Charles Kindleberger wrote his now acclaimed book on the Great Depression. He argued that it was “great” because the global economic system had lost its hegemon – in less…
Troubled waters: China’s sovereign ambition in the shadows of Covid-19
Troubled waters: China’s sovereign ambition in the shadows of Covid-19
Around midnight on 2 April, a Vietnamese fishing vessel sank in the disputed waters in the South China Sea after allegedly being rammed by the Chinese coastguard. Vietnam’s…
Statesman Turnbull steps up: Secret letters, taming Trump, due credit
Statesman Turnbull steps up: Secret letters, taming Trump, due credit
Big boys time From media baron Rupert Murdoch to leadership rival Peter Dutton, Malcolm Turnbull’s new memoir* released this week is partly built on his self-assessment that he…
Europe hasn’t fallen for China – if anything, it’s the opposite
Europe hasn’t fallen for China – if anything, it’s the opposite
Gains for China’s reputation in Europe from Beijing’s spectacular PR-actions in the fight against the coronavirus will be short-lived. Covid-19 has not shifted the geopolitical…
New crackdown will deepen dividing lines in Hong Kong
New crackdown will deepen dividing lines in Hong Kong
Whoever first said that “you should never waste a good crisis”, the Chinese government appears to be listening. At least when it comes to Hong Kong. With the city and the world’s…
As Africa prepares to fight Covid-19, China steps up
As Africa prepares to fight Covid-19, China steps up
As China slowly begins to recover from Covid-19 and re-start its economy, it is seeking to position itself at the head of the global virus response and fill the void in…