
Baby milk and tantrums after Chinese ships show the flag in Sydney
Baby milk and tantrums after Chinese ships show the flag in Sydney
China has dominated Australian media over the past week. Warships, baby milk formula, Hong Kong protests, the US China trade war, the list goes on. Politicians, academics,…
Why China’s rulers won’t admit they could be wrong
Why China’s rulers won’t admit they could be wrong
On 2 June, two days before the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen crackdown, I was in Singapore covering the Shangri-La dialogue, the Asia Pacific region’s biggest security forum,…
Fierravanti-Wells’ outburst tells more than just a China story
Fierravanti-Wells’ outburst tells more than just a China story
Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells’ opinion piece published on Friday in The Australian criticising the government over the visit of Chinese naval ships to Sydney is…
Singapore steers the US-China extremes at Shangri-la
Singapore steers the US-China extremes at Shangri-la
Midway through Lee Hsien Loong’s keynote speech at the Shangri-la Dialogue, I found myself turning to others on my table to register my surprise at how critical he seemed to be…
Tiananmen’s “core” secret in the weeks that followed
Tiananmen’s “core” secret in the weeks that followed
This article is based on this month’s episode of the Little Red Podcast, Tiananmen’s Final Secret. In the final moments of this week’s episode of ABC Four Corners recounting the…
China wants us to forget Tiananmen, it is important that we don’t
China wants us to forget Tiananmen, it is important that we don’t
Today marks the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, the day when Chinese authorities brutally crushed pro-democracy demonstrations, killing anywhere between one and…
Charting China, the (not always) super power
Charting China, the (not always) super power
Whether high-profile concessional loans for a Sri Lankan port, large-scale Belt and Road deals with Islamabad, or an international push for its newly rebranded China Global…
The importance of Taiwan’s diplomatic partners in Oceania
The importance of Taiwan’s diplomatic partners in Oceania
In the battle for diplomatic recognition between China and Taiwan, China clearly has the upper hand. Taiwan maintains formal diplomatic recognition with only 17 countries, as…
Bangladesh’s road to the BRI
Bangladesh’s road to the BRI
There are a lot of different ways for the region to approach China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). We should not assume that all BRI projects are necessarily one sided or…
Huawei and the decoupling dilemma
Huawei and the decoupling dilemma
In two dramatic policy announcements this month, the Trump administration effectively barred US companies and government agencies from buying telecommunications equipment or…