
Hail for the chief: loudspeakers return to China’s villages
Hail for the chief: loudspeakers return to China’s villages
Xu Yinsheng, who is in charge of the radio station's control room in the village, stands in front of a console and a microphone, checking to see if the equipment is functioning…
The Huawei indictments: allegations and politics
The Huawei indictments: allegations and politics
Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou is reportedly suing the Canadian government, its border agency, and the national police force for false imprisonment in relation to…
Four reasons why China supports North Korea
Four reasons why China supports North Korea
Of all the countries on the sidelines of the Hanoi summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un, few were watching more intently than China. Chinese financial and trade…
The tremendous impact of a US-China investment and technology war
The tremendous impact of a US-China investment and technology war
This is an edited extract of the opening speech delivered in Sydney this month to the Chief Economists Forum, held annually by the Financial Standard.  There are three main…
China cabinet: the not-so-secret hack, plus the enemy of Freeman
China cabinet: the not-so-secret hack, plus the enemy of Freeman
Hack attack In a framework of ideological contest between democracies and authoritarian states, democracies should work with their strengths. It’s true the disheartening…
A rising China and the future of the “Blue Pacific”
A rising China and the future of the “Blue Pacific”
The focus of the Pacific Islands Forum and its Secretariat is securing the future prosperity and wellbeing of the “Blue Pacific”. The Forum seeks genuine partnerships with all…
The fight to preserve the Khon Pi Luang rapids
The fight to preserve the Khon Pi Luang rapids
In 2000, China, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand concluded an agreement to begin clearing the Mekong River of obstacles so that cargo vessels could travel from southern Yunnan to…
China may only seek a limited naval role in the Indian Ocean
China may only seek a limited naval role in the Indian Ocean
Among the many questions raised by the massive modernisation and expansion of China’s Navy in the last few years is its future role in the Indian Ocean. Will the Indian Ocean…
Is Australia wise to pick sides in US-China trade war?
Is Australia wise to pick sides in US-China trade war?
The US-China trade war is viewed by many as a dark cloud over the global economy. So why is Australia’s ambassador to the US, Joe Hockey, seemingly urging Trump to go harder, and…
China cabinet: Huang Xiangmo’s visa strife, and outlook downbeats
China cabinet: Huang Xiangmo’s visa strife, and outlook downbeats
Australian pushback? While millions of Chinese made an annual pilgrimage home for the Spring Festival, Huang Xiangmo, the Chinese property developer at the centre…